Tuesday, January 23, 2018

1871 CEO Howard Tullman and Snapsheet CEO Brad Weisberg Appear on Tasty Trade

1871's Howard Tullman invites Snapsheet's CEO and Founder, Brad Weisberg, into the tastytrade studio to give us an update since his last appearance. Snapsheet is an app which uses proprietary technology to make automotive claims simpler for customers as well as insurance companies. Brad explains how his company has expanded in recent months and comments on the changes he sees in the insurance industry. Plus, Howard weighs in on his role as a board member of Snapsheet and the importance of the Board Member/CEO relationship in a business such as this! Learn More About Snapsheet: http://www.snapsheetapp.com/#about Some of the most interesting stories around are from entrepreneurs willing to take an idea and turn it into a business. From web apps to workouts to Barron's and babies, we've got it covered. You can watch a new Bootstrapping in America interview live and check out all previous episodes everyday at http://ow.ly/Ee7F0

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