Tuesday, September 13, 2022


 this is written by Joe Goldyne.

Always a criminal at heart, our perfectly shameless ex-president, the diagnostic poster boy for sociopathic narcissist,  remains of the most extreme danger to this nation, ironically because of our own laws. Too many seem blind to this very real threat. Burning up with envy, self doubt, and rage against those who oppose him, he may be pictured as the wrong kind of eternal flame, an inextinguishable fire always on a low burn but ready to throw a flame at almost any legal retardant that gets near him. Outrageously, he persists in this mephistophelian nonsense by invoking what amounts  in his mind to eternal executive privilege, though he is not any longer the chief executive and despite the ridiculous medical status he reports, not eternal! 
Trump has fed this nation a growing sandwich of lies for many years now and the most recent ingredients of this both scandalous and potentially catastrophic concoction may now rightfully be called a ‘club sandwich’ after Mar a Largo where the ‘delicacies’ were recently gathered by the FBI. This evidence of wrongdoing is now held in abeyance because of the disgraced ex-president’s legal shenanigans.
We must be honest with ourselves for despite its attempts at nobility and thoroughgoing fairness, American jurisprudence never figured on a character like this in the presidency. Every excuse his fluid legal teams concoct is continually and most frequently unnecessarily pondered by the judiciary. Why?  these lawyers for the client from hell  are not after fairness; they are seeking delay, for delay is the disgraced ex-president’s sacrosanct go-to-operation of choice. His promised tax returns —not available for 5 years and counting (sorry, being audited); accusations of extra marital affairs-—continually deep sixed-- ‘all the women are liars;’ his early real estate holdings were notorious for prejudicial renting—part and parcel of the mind and mouth that, though delayed by a few decades, were eventually to bring  us the shameful racist declaration (made in the Cabinet room, of all places ) of “shithole countries.” Behaviorally dependable, his veiled threat to Zelensky became "a perfect call;” his thankfully recorded interference in the Georgia count (another perfect call)—perfectly fine. Isn’t chutzpah an abysmally weak word to describe the damaging tactics this senseless senior employs time and again—tactics that his defenders now subscribe to as necessary to engage in to win the existential fight to save this nation.
The man will go down in history as a political Houdini, an office-holding  Al Capone, an English speaking Mussolini; all in all, a loud mouthed and deeply evil disgrace to the presidency and a low point in the judgement of the American electorate. In truth, the man held two jobs at once: big time criminal and president of the United States. That is precisely why he wishes to construct a system in which he either wins or the other side has cheated. To do so, his henchmen have put out an all points bulletin to control the mechanisms and procedures of voting, state by state. The fact that he has been allowed to go into this project as far as he has is or at least could be the terminating tragedy of our democracy.
Trump is proof that we are still a system of government too dependent on a single individual. We reward them too much power, too much air time, and too much credit for having brains. As a result, too much trouble is what we are in because, after 236 years, one despicable tyrant-in-training has been able to take too much from us: our tradition of respect (gone in the House and Senate as it has always been missing from his character); our reliability in matters of foreign affairs– hanging on by a thread; our dependence on  the respect of democratic peers in other nations–  now in doubt. Our essential trustworthiness—in serious question because of the fear that one errant leader has spawned.–If it has happened once, recently mind you, and if more than 70 million people made such an obviously bad choice…well, what else might follow?
Growing up, we sometimes wonder what dire times would look like. Well look around, read the paper, listen to the news. We are in dire times. There is now not only the tragic regularity of weapons deaths that stem from a lethal mix of sick minds and archaic laws, but explosions of crazy declarations against science, against rational thought; we are in the age of Jewish Space lasers accused of ruining a candidate’s chances. There seem to be more lies than even excess ammunition in the armory of present day America. 
Let’s see what results the upcoming elections offer, but good or bad, there are minds that need persuading that ‘good’ has many definitions but that in a democracy, what is good for the majority must become the law of the land while seeing to it that the minority, though it may not be helped to the same degree, is not harmed. Surely one of the reasons for the current divide is that virtually one half of the country has suffered a rather drastic reduction in its standard of living. Such diminishment stifles hope and raises fears. Our former president stoked those fears while hyping policies that were of little long-term help to the vast majority of Americans. A minor tax reduction ballyhooed far, far beyond its worth, while large corporations paid no tax at all. Yes, of course, there is both Republican and Democratic dysfunction and guilt to contend with in economic and social matters, and the conclusion must be that both parties need reform, but in this period of dire straits we must pay attention to relative values—what is the least harmful policy and which platform stands behind it? What is the most beneficial way forward? 
What we cannot afford, what will destroy us for certain is to have a grifting leader that espouses a policy of we vs they while he pursues a daily policy predicated on me, myself and I! We have come to a point where our own laws make it dangerously difficult to enforce them in a timely fashion. Tragically the one thing on which both sides agree is that we are in a truly time-sensitive race to survive as a democracy.

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