America’s Oval Office Embarrassment

So….Donald Trump actually stole over 300 documents from the American people, some of them of the highest security classifications posing inestimable dangers to agents, operatives, assets and allies around the world — not to mention exposing sources and methods to any and all hostile foreign nations — and kept them in ill-secured storerooms above one of the ballrooms, a storage closet next to one of the outdoor pools, and in the basement at his golf club with hundreds of paid members who have unchallenged access along with their guests and others who stroll onto the property from time to time, including adventurous teenagers and at least one now-tried, convicted, jailed and deported Chinese spy, with random people going in and out all the time and inadequate locks on the doors.
How many more travesties can we be expected to absorb. Over the course of his terrifying reign, the U.S. was exposed to years of international embarrassment and possibly far, far worse than mere global humiliation. His conducting of an emergency security meeting and strategy session in full view of scores of paying guests at Mar-a-Lago was an early breach of so many security protocols, and presented clear evidence for impeachment on grounds of mental unfitness.
As has now been widely publicized to the shame and woe of security experts everywhere, one of the Mar-a-Lago paying guests had their picture taken with the High Security military staff person who carries the ‘Nuclear Football, the president’s portable nuclear launch trigger, and posted it on Facebook, thus identifying the top secret attache and his briefcase full of payload and its triggering device. Presumably, selfie opportunities are part of what Mar-a-Lago guests are paying for? (Also, RE: the emergency situation of N. Korea having launched their new ground to air missile device in the general direction of Japan — Does anyone remember that Trump specifically encouraged N. Korea and Japan to ‘get into it’ in terms of nuclear hostilities during the campaign? ’Cause I sure do! Being a sociopathic malignant narcissist, he probably not-so-secretly congratulated himself that someone actually took his advice.)
Allowing his ‘guests’/customers to take selfies with top secret security personnel, photograph and post on Facebook the High Security meeting conducted in full view of the diners at an outdoor party, is just plain nuts.

For someone who cruised to power claiming to improve America’s national security, and committed heinous and unlawful acts ever since assuming office in the increasingly mocked and degraded name of national security, the Scary Fool’s current state of national ‘security’ affairs was left glaringly insecure, in the extreme, with the joker’s National Security Advisor, Flynn, having ‘resigned,’ under a thick, dark, Russian-hued cloud. Terms used in the press to describe the Fool and his administration included: “psychosis” “sociopathy” “malignant” “fascist” and “Misprision of Treason.”
As Will Drabold announced on Valentine’s Day 2017 in Policy.Mic, “In Donald Trump’s Washington, it’s not the crime that gets you fired. It’s getting caught for it.” The evident malfeasance of Trump’s administration within its first two weeks was beyond what any rational democratic process could be expected to tolerate. The ongoing daily shit show blasted into obscurity legitimate news stories such as the fact that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s estranged half-brother, Kim Jong Nam, once the North Korean despotic heir-apparent, was killed under mysterious circumstances in Malaysia, as reported in the wall Street Journal (February 15, 2017), or the significant protests staged by ‘A Day Without Immigrants’ initiative that crippled business, arts and culture industries and services across the nation.
How is some stupid and dangerous-for-the-whole-world mishegoss like this avoided in future, given that the American Public evidently can not be relied upon to elect a decent human being to highest office?
It seems absurd to posit but, given the Trump example, should not candidates for the American presidency, the most powerful political office on Earth — militarily, economically, ideologically — every way money can buy, be vetted for basic competency (at the very least) in future — by the parties elevating them to the contest, if no one else? A nation so powerful and with such destructive potential has no right to be so lax about who it allows to be elevated to the position of ‘leader of the free world.’ It’s negligence, reckless endangerment of the planet, dereliction of duty, wholly irresponsible.
Basic competency requirements would preclude a serial bankrupt from assuming highest office, one would think. If he couldn’t even get a bank loan or a line of credit except via Deutsche Bank, the Russian oligarch money launderer’s bank of choice, how on earth could he serve as president of the U.S.? It’s ridiculous, needs an overhaul, or it’s definitively ‘tits up’ for the American experiment. The writing’s already all over the wall — some standards, please. Donald Trump wouldn’t even have been able to get a mortgage or rent an apartment through normal channels; he would have failed the credit check.
How about a basic civics test, if only of the level given immigrants and candidates for American citizenship? Or a basic literacy and comprehension test, of the sort Trump would have failed most spectacularly? Knowledge and comprehension of the U.S. Constitution? Of Law? Ethics? Political principles? Something? ANYTHING?
Trump doesn’t know what anything is or signifies other than whether it accrues to his advantage or disadvantage. That’s it — his sole cognitive function.
And he held executive powers in the most powerful nation on Earth.