Tuesday, August 09, 2016

1871 CEO Howard Tullman on Tasty Trade Speaking on Unconscious Bias

WATCH THE VIDEO: https://www.tastytrade.com/tt/shows/what-i-m-thinking/episodes/unconscious-bias-08-09-2016

Watch the Video: https://www.tastytrade.com/tt/shows/what-i-m-thinking/episodes/unconscious-bias-08-09-2016

This segment is a wide-ranging discussion about current trends in business and society with a focus on recent developments in the field of technology. You will learn something new. Howard Tullman, the CEO of 1871, the largest tech incubator in the United States, stopped by the studio to talk with Tom and Tony. The free flowing discussion ranged from unconscious bias, to e-commerce fulfillment centers, to entrepreneurship. Howard started the conversation with his recent trip to speak at the UN and the importance of using education to change the world. Just like how old airbags were dangerous to women because they were designed by taller men, many people are unaware of the bias and prejudice that still exists today. Howard and the rest of the team at 1871 work to promote inclusion and diversity and encourage others to as well. The discussion shifted to the expansion of online fulfillment centers and the future of online ordering. Will people start making their commodity purchases online through companies like Amazon, Jet.com, and instacart? And will other industries be “uberized?”
The conversation switched gears to entrepreneurship and whether you are born or taught to be an entrepreneur. Howard shared his views stating that he believes you must be born with the DNA to be an entrepreneur. While Tom believes you can be taught skills to be an entrepreneur, they both agreed that entrepreneurship needs to be taught at a younger age and there should be a greater emphasis placed on teaching skills that are applicable to the business world.
Watch this segment of “What I’m Thinking” with Howard Tullman, Tom Sosnoff, and Tony Battista for an interesting and in-depth discussion of technology and cultural trends.

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