Governor Appoints Laura Frerichs and
Mark Glennon to Lead New Council Designed to Develop Innovation Clusters, Attract
Resources, Develop and Retain Talent, and Foster Collaboration Through the
Illinois Technology Community
BruceRauner1871v3 from RoboToaster on Vimeo.

BruceRauner1871v3 from RoboToaster on Vimeo.

CHICAGO—Governor Bruce Rauner visited 1871 today to announce
the creation of the new Innovate Illinois Advisory Council, which he has formed
to foster opportunity and increase Illinois’ global competitiveness. Following
the announcement, Governor Rauner toured 1871’s 75,000-square-foot facility,
held a roundtable discussion with startups from 1871 and MATTER, and visited
the recently-opened MATTER space, which is immediately adjacent to 1871 in The
Merchandise Mart.
“Illinois is home to a wealth of resources, including
world-class educational institutions, leading national labs, 33 Fortune 500
companies, dozens of innovation and entrepreneurship hubs, a vibrant culture,
and an extensive transportation network,” Governor Rauner said. “Yet our state
continues to fall behind. In the last ten years, the Boston Consulting Group
estimates our lagging growth has cost Illinois more than 175 thousand jobs.
This council will help us create and implement a shared vision for a 21st
century economy that will turn Illinois into a global innovation destination.”
The council will be co-chaired by Laura Frerichs, director of
the University of Illinois’ Research Park, and Mark Glennon, managing director
of Ninth Street Advisors. 1871 will
Governor Rauner has charged the council with developing an
agenda to grow the state’s innovation economy, including developing high-growth
industry clusters, attracting resources, developing and retaining top talent,
and fostering collaboration among all the parties in the state’s technology and
innovation community. The council will meet regularly to develop and facilitate
the execution of key growth initiatives. It will work closely with Illinois
Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and will have a core mission of
bringing new opportunities to the forefront on behalf of the community.
“At the University of Illinois we see innovation
breakthroughs happen when our industry partners, entrepreneurs, faculty and
students work together,” Laura Frerichs said. “We are strengthened when we
bring together the business insights and scale from large corporations,
ingenuity of entrepreneurs, and discovery from research institutions, and
students as the workforce pipeline.”
“Illinois’ economy needs a turnaround, but in challenges
there are opportunities. By cultivating innovative ideas, we will be able to
create a 21st century economy for Illinois,” Mark Glennon said. “It’s
especially fitting to be announcing this at 1871 because, if anything has been
key to its success and the success of the startup community in Illinois, it has
been a spirit of cooperation. We look forward to building on the splendid
success the community has had to date.”
"We are excited that Governor Rauner is focused on
technology and innovation as a key driver of our state’s future success,” said
Howard A. Tullman, 1871 CEO. “The companies at 1871 are creating new jobs and
driving economic growth, all while developing new technologies that affect
every type of business. We look forward to working with the council to ensure that
throughout Illinois, new technology businesses are being developed and given a
chance to grow.”
The first meeting of the newly formed innovation council will
take place this spring at 1871.
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