Imagine an Illinois that is at the forefront of education innovation – a state that boosts student achievement by personalizing learning through digital instruction.
Imagine a place that policymakers and educators from across the country look forward to see what the future of education should be.
Imagine a region with a thriving entrepreneurial community creating the technology and tools to help students learn and thrive.
Now is the time to make that idea a reality.
That’s why the Illinois Policy Institute, in partnership with the Union League Club of Chicago and its Public Affairs Committee, is hosting the Digital Learning Symposium in Chicago. This in-depth, one-day conference will explore how we can help students achieve their full potential with digital learning.
Everyone with a stake in improving student outcomes – from teachers and administrators to education entrepreneurs and policymakers to parents and taxpayers – is invited to the Digital Learning Symposium.
What: Digital Learning Symposium hosted by the Illinois Policy Institute
Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Time: 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Location: Union League Club of Chicago
65 W. Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, Illinois 60604
Attire: Business Casual*
Cost: $20 (includes continental breakfast and lunch)
What is digital learning?
Digital learning is the integration of technology to aid instruction in the classroom. Children learn at their own pace while teachers are provided with real-time feedback on individual student performance.
Why does digital learning matter?
- It can help struggling students excel and give dropouts a second chance.
- It allows students to expand horizons by studying new subjects.
- It helps teachers plan more effectively and reach all students.
- It frees up time and resources to focus on what really matters – helping students learn.
- Learn about the national, state and local digital learning landscape.
- Hear from educators who built digital learning programs from the ground up.
- Network with professionals who already use technology in their classrooms.
- Access cutting-edge developers who are creating technology aids that can be used in the classroom.
- Learn how digital learning can help districts facing longer school days and tight budgets.
- Gain the knowledge to successfully incorporate digital learning in your school.
- Understand the policy reforms that can advance digital learning deployment.
- Michael Horn, Education Executive Director, Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation
- Susan Fine, Chief Academic Officer, New Classrooms Innovation
- Matthew Wicks, Chief Operating Officer, International Association for K-12 Online Learning
- Robert Enlow, President and CEO, Friedman Foundation
- Todd Yarch, Principal, VOISE Academy
- Rick Ogston, Founder and CEO, Carpe Diem Schools
- Howard Tullman, Chairman, Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy
- Rhonda Hopps, CEO, Perspectives Charter Schools
The Illinois Policy Institute inspires changes in hearts, minds and laws through its mission to promote personal freedom and prosperity in Illinois and America. As a leading independent research and education organization, the Institute generates positive and sustainable policy solutions for citizens and lawmakers that help unleash talent and entrepreneurial ability.
Founded in 1879, the Union League Club of Chicago (ULCC) is the only private club in the U.S. with an institutional commitment to public policy advocacy. Early in its history, the Club protected the City of Chicago’s municipal personnel code and urged adoption the 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, allowing election of U.S. Senators by popular vote instead of by state legislators. Recognized for its work on election and judicial reforms, the ULCC is credited with launching the Chicago Crime Commission and helping to shape a new Illinois state Constitution. Among the Club’s current initiatives are regional transportation improvement, civic literacy programs, and education reform.
PartnersThe Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation
The Institute for Humane Studies
Florida Virtual School®
Every FLVS course is taught by a dedicated and certified teacher who is focused on student success. Courses are aligned with Florida and national standards and are accessible 24/7. Enrollment is open 365 days a year due to the Florida Virtual School year-round rolling enrollment model.
As a national model for virtual education, the FLVS performance based-model makes Florida a leader in education reform and ensures remarkable accountability. Driven by a performance-based funding model, FLVS only receives funding for students who successfully complete courses.
Stand for Children Illinois
- Educate and empower parents, teachers, and community members to demand excellent schools.
- Advocate for effective local, state, and national education policies and investments and ensure that those policies impact classrooms and students.
- Elect courageous leaders who will stand up for our priorities.
The International Association for K-12 Online Learning
New Schools for Chicago
The Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice
Founded upon the ideals and theories of Nobel laureate Milton Friedman and economist Rose D. Friedman, the Foundation is dedicated to research, education, and outreach on the vital issues and implications related to school choice and competition in K-12 education.
Freedom to Learn Illinois
Freedom to Learn Illinois (F2LI) is a charitable, non-profit organization fighting on behalf of families for comprehensive school choice legislation in Illinois, in order to provide high-quality education for all students. F2LI is building a coalition of school choice organizations, non-public and charter educational networks, think tanks and corporations. Through its website, social media and newspaper articles, F2LI educates voters about parental choice’s value. By building and orchestrating grassroots, community, business-sector and media support, F2LI seeks to decisively influence both the public at large and elected officials.
F2LI’s philanthropic efforts include its Opportunity Scholarship Program, a privately funded scholarship program for at-risk students in Chicago’s disadvantaged neighborhoods.
*Please note: the Union League Club of Chicago maintains a "business casual" dress code – e.g., collared shirt and slacks for gentlemen, no jeans or denim, and equivalent dress for ladies.