Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tribeca Flashpoint Intros Continuing Digital Education Courses

Tribeca Flashpoint Intros Continuing Digital Education Courses

Even with an increasingly digital-literate work population, employers are struggling to keep their teams up with frequent technological advances. Tribeca Flashpoint Academy (TFA), the Chicago-based digital media college, today announced Digital Update, a suite of continued education courses aimed at those who are already in the workforce.
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CEO Howard Tullman expects courses to begin within 60 days. Currently, he says, TFA is in private talks with several large employers who are interested in offering these courses. Sixteen hours of hands-on instruction will cost about $1,200 per employee, an expenditure likely to be taken on by employers, though Tullman says individuals may enroll themselves if they choose.
“It is an essential investment [for companies] in making sure that they are preparing their personnel to create, develop and deliver the new kinds of digital media assets and tools that are changing the face of marketing and business communications,” Tullman says.
TFA’s full-time and adjunct professors will teach the courses, which focus on training employees in film production and editing, app and game development, motion graphics, and more. Groups in Chicago and New York City will be able to attend classes at TFA’s facilities there, while those elsewhere will be reached by webcast or even an in-person visit from a TFA instructor.
With industries the world over converting to digital, Tullman is betting employers need digitally-savvy workers. To him, TFA’s Digital Update courses are the way for companies to achieve just that.
Visit TFA’s website, check out their BIC profile, and follow them on Twitter at @TribecaChicago.

                             New Digital Re-Training Program Answers Escalating Need

Responding to an escalating corporate training need, Tribeca Flashpoint Academy launches program to keep digital and creative professionals up-to-date in rapidly-evolving technologies.

CHICAGO – As technology evolves at a mind-numbing rate, it becomes increasingly challenging for digital professionals to keep their core skills current. Even recent college graduates—who may boast up-to-the-minute skills on graduation day—quickly fall behind without an ongoing, conscious and aggressive effort to keep pace. Lifelong learning is no longer optional—it’s essential.

“Everyone’s accustomed to getting those little alerts when it’s time to update their software or apps—we accept recurring obsolescence as part of living in the digital age,” explains Tribeca Flashpoint Academy CEO and well-known tech entrepreneur, Howard Tullman. “But business leaders are just beginning to realize that their people—particularly their digital employeesalso need updating in a consistent and rigorous way. It’s the only way their companies will remain competitive.”

Known for its practical, hands-on approach to digital media education and for its close ties to the media, entertainment, and technology industries (boasting partnerships with the likes of Microsoft, AT&T, Sony Entertainment, and more), Tribeca Flashpoint Academy recently announced a new corporate continuing education program—dubbed “Digital Update”—that provides digital workers with an ongoing, sustainable way to keep current that is also cost-effective and sensitive to the need to keep these workers working and productive while their skills are being enhanced.

A typical Digital Update course includes 16-hours of practical, hands-on instruction in various aspects of film production and editing; application and game development; motion graphics; special effects; sound design; graphic design; or digital marketing. Whenever possible, instruction is delivered on-site at the employer’s workplace, minimizing staff downtime and enabling employees to learn on the same equipment and software they will be using once the training concludes.

“At around $1,200 per employee, Digital Update is far more cost-effective than sending employees to one-off trainings or conferences that tend to be more theoretical than practical, more lecture-based than hands-on, and far less tailored to a team’s specific skill level and knowledge gaps,” Tullman explains. “This is the future of corporate training in the digital media arena.” 

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