NEW! Proud member of Inc. magazine's "Inc. 500" list and serial entrepreneur Robert Jordan asks you to consider... Could YOU be the next GROUPON? Because your chances JUST SHOT UP
by a factor of 10!
TEN elite entrepreneurs worth $18 BILLION DOLLARS hand you their proven playbooks exposing the defining secrets and groundbreaking strategies you need to WIN at business!
From startup to multimillion-dollar payday, they show you How They Did It...
So YOU can do it too!
Dear Friend,
Forget Facebook. Or Google. Or Apple.
When it comes to the shining stars of the business world, they are each the center of their own solar systems.
But Groupon, the world's number one group buying site, is an example of an exceedingly successful business that started from humble beginnings.
And a single breakthrough idea.
It was the fall of 2008, when Andrew Mason teetered on the edge of a failed Internet business. He'd already tried many ideas that bombed. The vultures were circling. He knew he had just one more chance before his investors would shut him down for good.
Then after being hit with a termination fee from his cell phone carrier and thinking, "That's not really fair," he put into action a business model that rewards customers rather than punishing them.
It took only one month. And the online coupon website was born. Just one year later, Groupon became profitable.
From there, success simply snowballed.
In 2010, Groupon's CEO Andrew Mason orchestrated a 22,000% climb in revenues. And in just the first quarter of 2011, Groupon's revenues were already at $644 million, eclipsing its 2010 sales for the entire year. Their run rate was approaching $3 billion.
Today, with 115+ million subscribers, Groupon's estimated valuation is in the billions.
It sounds insane. Unachievable. Practically impossible.
But that's only because you're seeing where Groupon is today.
Go back to its roots and put yourself in Andrew Mason's cubicle. Where he had his breakthrough idea. Where his creativity and passion first caught fire. Where he formed a plan to create more than just another website - he wanted to change the world.
That's precisely when you realize something magical...
Anyone can do this.Now it's YOUR own business that is about to CATCH FIRE.
It will ignite your entire team's performance. Blaze a trail of new opportunities you've never imagined were possible. And skyrocket your income right along with it.
Because we've just completed a year-long process of collecting the most original and guaranteed-to-work business breakthroughs, secrets, and strategies from 10 of today's greatest entrepreneurial successes. This commanding and energized group of nine men and one woman have:
- A combined 300+ YEARS worth of hands-on business and entrepreneurial experience...
- A collective business value of more than $18 BILLION dollars...
And more creative, practical, real-world business sense than 99% of today's businesspeople.
Break FREE from the herdIf you just follow the herd - and do what most managers, most entrepreneurs, and most workers do - you'll get the exact same results the herd gets.
Average results. No more. No less.
BUT, if you're willing to strive for the extraordinary... if you're willing to follow in the footsteps of 10 determined individuals who all started from nothing to confidently create $100 million+ empires...
Then you have what it takes to make it big. And fast.
Believe me, these 10 incredible founders are natural-born winners. Their advice is a trail of gold that leads you straight to business brilliance.
But before I can show you just how they can help transform your business or lead you to entrepreneurial stardom, let me ask you...
Just HOW BAD do you want it?You may think you want it really badly.
But would you risk YOUR HEALTH over it?
Would you be willing to quit your career and start a brand-new company... all in the SAME DAY?
That's just what a couple of our elite entrepreneurs DID. That's how bad they wanted it. And they proved it.
When Dave Becker shared his breakthrough business plan in a board meeting in Indiana, he was met with corporate bureaucracy and a bottleneck of committee approvals. So, in good ol' Hoosier fashion, he stood up, whistled to quiet the room, and made a time-out signal with his hands.
He said, "I'll solve this dilemma for you. I quit. I'm going to do it myself."
Then Dave proceeded to walk out of the boardroom, clear out his desk, get in his car, and drive 150 miles to Grand Rapids, Michigan, where, after dinner, he inked a deal to form re:Member Data Services, Inc.
Dave ultimately sold RDS for $24 million. And it was all possible because he wanted it badly enough to quit his job so he could chase his dream.
Dane Miller, another of these 10 extraordinary company founders, displayed a level of diehard passion rarely seen today.
In the early years of artificial knees and hips, the world believed stainless steel was the safest material for the human body. Dane had a hunch they were wrong. And he was determined to prove it.
He asked a surgeon friend to implant a small titanium pellet into his arm. In an effort to prove titanium was safe, he kept the foreign body in his arm for 10 years. And when he finally removed it, his arm and the piece of titanium were as good as new.
Today, 30 years later, guess what everyone in the industry is using? Titanium!
And that same tenacity and passion has exploded his company, Biomet, by a mind-blowing 30,000% - displaying even greater growth than Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway!
What about you?
How bad do YOU want it?
The good news is, as badly as you want to start that business that's in your heart or to empower your current company to a record-setting year... you won't need to inject foreign objects in your arm to get there.
In fact, I can't imagine it could be any more straightforward.
Because today, with Nightingale-Conant's newest entrepreneurial and business breakthrough program, you simply listen to these 10 incredible founders as they tell you precisely...
How They Did It!Announcing a revolutionary NEW program from Nightingale-Conant - How They Did It: Real-World Advice from Today's Most Successful Entrepreneurs.
This program's promise is simple: To spread massive hope and opportunity across this great land as it infuses game-changing ideas into hard-working minds.
It all starts with Robert Jordan, a serial entrepreneur who embraces a simple notion: "There is no problem we cannot solve."
That belief becomes the heartbeat of all his entrepreneurial businesses, as well as the passion for creating this unique program.
In How They Did It, he sits down one-on-one with 10 of today's most successful company founders. Everyday people from America's heartland who started with little help and little money... but carried big dreams. Dreams that drove them to create $100 million+ empires.
In their own words, these founders share their stories, setbacks, and ultimate triumphs. Minute by minute, they reveal key strategies, philosophies, and real-world solutions. Groundbreaking ideas you can use starting today to advance your own career, such as:
- How to turn your vision - your dreams - into real-world business
- The single common denominator of all success
- How to enhance employee morale, eliminate turnover, and have everyone fighting for your business!
- The one thing all managers MUST do to guarantee success
- The two most critical assets to your business that most managers forget
- The ONE management style that's responsible for 99% of all successes
- How to accurately PREDICT the success of your company... in mere minutes!
- How to achieve and keep a REAL competitive advantage that enhances your customers' mindshare as well as your market share
- How to reduce your mistakes to NEAR-ZERO - and never repeat the same mistake again!
- The SINGLE biggest mistake most all entrepreneurs and businesspeople make
- How to create a winning environment inside your business that spreads throughout your team
Meet the Entrepreneurial
Dream TeamIn this one-of-a-kind program, you'll meet Raj Soin, the founder of Modern Technologies Corporation. Raj and his wife started MTC with just $1,700, yet sold it for $485 million! You'll learn about his failproof system to multiply your business opportunities and earning potential.
You'll also learn from Steve Shank, founder of Capella Education. Steve turned a simple idea into an IPO serving 39,000 students in 50 countries. Through the lessons his customers have taught him, he'll prove how your customers will shape your business.
Brian Sullivan combines his entrepreneurial spirit with his engineering mind. As the inventor of the PUR water filter, Brian sold his revolutionary product to Procter & Gamble for $265 million. His proven product launch formula uncovers how to plan, create, market, and sell any product.
You'll listen as Joe Mansueto, the founder of Morningstar and owner of Inc., Fast Company, and Time Out Chicago magazines, tells how he grew his 650-square-foot apartment office to a public company worth about $3 billion. Yes, $3 BILLION. He'll give you the secrets you need to keep your business one step ahead of all competitors.
Jim Dolan, the founder and CEO of the half-billion dollar–valued company, The Dolan Company, shows you how a fresh business perspective will benefit your customers, your prospects, and your bottom line.
You'll hear how Howard Tullman was able to found and manage multiple companies, including Certified Collateral Corporation, Tribeca Flashpoint Academy, and The Cobalt Group. His brilliance has netted about 6,000 jobs and $1 billion in value. He'll share his 5 Dimensions of Business Excellence and how to improve your sales tenfold.
Bonnie Baskin, the founder of Viromed Laboratories and AppTec, shares how she turned her father's $50,000 loan into a $203 million payday. She discloses proven secrets to building multiple streams of income.
Mark Tebbe, the founder and Chairman of Lante Corporation and co-founder of, shares how he grew from a one-man operation to 1,400 employees and an IPO. His experiences present an entirely new perspective on the future of your business.
And of course, you can't forget Dane Miller and his bionic, titanium arm. Or Dave Becker and the way he quit one job only to find his dream job just a few hours later. They both share how your team and management style can have a dramatic effect on your results.
Through listening to every single inspiring story...
By hearing each one connect with you and share how he or she fought through challenges to accomplish something amazing...
By experiencing their breakthrough ideas, great risks, and incredible triumphs, you become more connected to where you long to be.
It's almost as if you are...
Peering over the shoulders
of $18 billion entrepreneursWe didn't invent anything new here.
We're simply replicating the most proven success formula ever created: Learn what superstar entrepreneurs and successful businesspeople have done. Then follow in their footsteps.
It starts by asking them the most critical questions about How They Did It: What challenges did they have to overcome? What key strategies did they employ? What did they do first, second, and third? What secrets are proven to win at business?
Once your mind is overflowing with great insights, you begin the process of repeating their success in your own business.
This proven formula works for weight loss success, money management... it even works for raising kids.
Today, this time-tested formula will work to increase your business success -TIMES 10!
Because rather than following one successful entrepreneur, you'll have the privilege of looking over the shoulders of 10!
How Average Americans DID IT After Experiencing These $18 Billion Insights Become Gazelle-Intense
"Especially important in these economic times, How They Did It explains why 100% of job growth in the U.S. has always come from gazelles like these." -Tom Churchwell Virtual Think and Grow Rich
"A virtual Think and Grow Rich from the Heartland. If you don't want to reinvent the business wheel, this [program] is for you." -Jim R., Chicago, IL Blueprint for Success
"If you take the time, you can derive a 'Blueprint for Success,' based on best practices born of others' business journeys." -Richard "Rico" Federico Never More Important
"There has never been a more important time to understand these success stories, told from those who took them from vision to inception." -Adam J. Hecktman, Chicago, IL Our Future's Backbone
"Fantastic! Insightful! We need more entrepreneurs in our country. They are the backbone for our future." -Ron Goldstein, Principal of Silver Professionals Original Actionable Ideas
"These stories haven't effectively been told anywhere else... full of actionable tips and perspectives!" -Terry Howerton Build Value
"Any businessperson looking to build value in a current or future enterprise would be well served to attend this virtual fireside chat." -Rick S. Nathan |
You're just ONE GREAT IDEA
away from MAKING IT BIG.
Here are nearly 100. From the first CD to the last, Robert Jordan and these 10 incredible founders present dozens upon dozens of actionable insights into what it takes to ride the wave of business success all the way to huge profitability and an impressive payday.
With just one listen, you'll discover:
- Everything you've ever wanted to know to PROFITABLY LAUNCH YOUR BUSINESS! Peek inside this virtual entrepreneurial playbook and find out WHERE to spend your capital for an optimum return... WHO you must hire first... WHAT decisions you should make first... WHERE to spend your time to maximize growth... and MUCH MORE!
- Why your current ideas are WRONG! Uncork your MOST beneficial business ideas, insights, and strategies with this one simple trick. Instantly, you'll have daily Eureka! moments - even when you're NOT working! Your colleagues will look to you for new inspiration and brilliance.
- The ONE THING that keeps your prospects' undivided attention until they become loyal customers! Bombarded by 3,500 marketing messages a day, your prospects ignore 99.9% of them. But the second you DO THIS, they will be FORCED to stop, pay attention, and magically consider YOUR product or service.
- Today's MOST CRITICAL (yet largely unknown) BUSINESS TRAITS. If you're building your team based on degrees, experience, skills, and talent only... it's a fossil formula that can't keep up with today's business demands. Your entire team - INCLUDING YOURSELF - must also embrace today's TWO NEW vital business traits for sustained long-term growth.
- The SECRETS of the Multimillion-Dollar Product Launch Formula! Make the most of your ONE SHOT, because one shot is all you get when you launch your product or service. Do it wrong (as most businesses do) and your customers won't give you a second chance.
- THREE ESSENTIAL RULES to WIN THE INVESTOR GAME! Learn the proven DO's and DON'Ts of raising the capital you need - whether it's for your startup, a product launch, or a strategic acquisition. Plus, there's a NEW COVERT WAY to deal with investors. Try it just once to save thousands or make millions.
- TWO ORIGINAL PRINCIPLES most every business overlooks today. If your key goals revolve around increasing efficiency, productivity, and profitability, you may be setting yourself up for failure! Faced with today's economy as well as the social-networking boom, there are two must-implement principles that guarantee your future growth!
- You might be THROWING YOUR MARKETING DOLLARS AWAY! But the second you start applying Howard Tullman's Proven Perspiration Principles, you'll build an incredibly efficient - and highly profitable - marketing machine! He used this same formula to build multiple companies with a total of 6,000 employees and more than $1 billion in value.
- The LITTLE-KNOWN SECRET to PERPETUAL WORK-LIFE BALANCE. Now you can hit the sweet spot in the elusive balance between work, family, and personal interests. Learn this proven technique, and you'll ALWAYS attend your kids' recitals and soccer games while your business experiences exponential growth.
- What you must do to IMAGINE, PLAN, AND CREATE THE PERFECT PRODUCT! One that enjoys a near-ravenous demand. One that gets evangelical-like support from your customers and clients. One that can single-handedly put your company on the world stage.
- POTENTIAL GOLDMINES in your business you never knew existed! Jim Dolan used this technique to discover a profitable business goldmine within a legal newspaper - an opportunity overlooked by thousands for 107 years!
- How to WIN EVERY NEGOTIATION! Learn why investors and businesspeople have literally chased Dave Becker down to give him the DEAL HE WANTED! It takes just seconds to learn, but it's capable of shifting all power into your court.
- Why you should CHANGE YOUR METHOD OF COMMUNICATION! We all know how vital communication is in business... but you've never seen it taken to this extreme! Once you firmly grasp it, you'll gain a real advantage your competitors simply can't touch.
Now that you know a little about what this How They Did It program is, let me ease your mind by revealing the truth about...
What this program IS NOT: I can honestly say Robert Jordan's program is unlike anything I've experienced before. Not since Napoleon Hill has someone so perfectly positioned himself inside the minds of business and entrepreneurial experts, only to come out with the most effective and most efficient ideas and strategies.
The results become a practical, real-world playbook for imagining, creating, growing, and even selling businesses that impact the world.
So, to quiet the naysayers and skeptics out there who may have their own preconceived thoughts about what this program contains, I've created a quick overview of what this program is not.
It's NOT hackneyed business advice you can read in most any business book
Many business books are chock full of stale ideas and philosophies repeated over and over. How They Did It is the epitome of original. When 10 unique entrepreneurs offer their own business advice, you come away with one-of-a-kind experiences, approaches, and insights.
What's more, with nearly 100 ideas and 30 key takeaways, you'll have no shortage of strategies you can apply to your business!
It's NOT for entrepreneurs only
It's funny. You're considered an entrepreneur when you first start a business. But every day thereafter, you're simply a businessperson. The nuts-and-bolts advice, real-world lessons, and memorable stories you'll hear benefit virtually every facet of your business.
From hiring to marketing to product creation to selling to operations, How They Did It is truly the master-level A-to-Z business playbook.
It's NOT for CEOs, VPs, and managers only
If your nameplate doesn't say "CEO" or "Manager," this program can be a great tool to push you up the corporate ladder with blazing speed. Begin implementing these key business tactics to watch your department benefit. Before long, your boss will also take notice.
It's NOT designed for people with million-dollar budgets
Most startups and many businesses today run with small budgets and a limited amount of capital. All of the founders in this program also started from the ground up. And their insights fit businesses of all sizes - from the brand-new shop to the Fortune 500.
It's NOT yesterday's advice from yesterday's entrepreneurs
These 10 entrepreneurs worth a collective $18 billion are not lounging in Belize, sipping umbrella drinks, and counting their money. Nope. They are grabbing their morning coffee and heading into the office, just as you and I do every day. All of them still work to make great companies and change the world... TODAY!
And their advice applies to today's economic times, today's global marketplace, today's Internet- and social media–driven world.
It's NOT the same old Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg stories everyone already knows
It certainly is inspiring to hear how Steve Jobs marketed the first iPhone. Or how Mark Zuckerberg brought Facebook to more than 800 million people. But we've heard it all before. Successes like that are only duplicated about once every 10 years or so.
In How They Did It, you'll discover the stories you haven't yet heard. These are the stories that prove anyone - including YOU - CAN DO THIS!
| YES! I want to make my OWN career and business breakthrough using the proven $18 billion secrets learned from 10 of today's most successful entrepreneurs and businesspeople.
Because there's never been a better time to act, please rush me Robert Jordan's NEW 6-CD program How They Did It: Real-World Advice from Today's Most Successful Entrepreneurs, plus the writable PDF guidebook, for 30 DAYS, for JUST $1.00. |
If I don't gain the knowledge I need to launch my own startup or advance my business and career, I'll simply send the program back. No questions asked. If I decide to keep it, I will pay the discounted price of $89.95, which is $10 off the regular price, at the end of my 30-day trial.
| |
Order How They Did It RISK-FREE
today and take advantage of our
365-Day Titanium Guarantee!I'm on my second round of listening to this program. It's just that good. Almost each time I listen, I pick up on another new nugget of brilliance, which I then forward to my managers to begin implementing throughout Nightingale-Conant.
I know we have something special here. I knew it the first time I played it in my car. After arriving home from work, I sat in my driveway with the engine running for the next 40 minutes. Just listening, learning, and taking it all in.
If there was ever a program that can light the fire of motivation and kick-start the ideas and real-world strategies needed to grow your business, this is it. Which is why I'm determined to go BEYOND our standard guarantee.
__________________________________ Introducing our 365-Day Titanium Guarantee!
We guarantee that after listening to this program - and reviewing the exercises in the accompanying guidebook - you will have the firsthand knowledge and action steps to either:
Successfully launch your own business in the next 12 months!
Increase your business's profits in the next 12 months! If you miss on either of these aggressive goals, you may return How They Did It at any time during the next 12 months. We'll issue you a full refund of the program price or give you an even exchange... YOUR CHOICE!
__________________________________ I'm calling it our Titanium Guarantee as a tribute to the titanium that one of our founders, Dane Miller, courageously put in his arm. Wikipedia says titanium has the "highest strength-to-weight ratio of any metal." This guarantee is the strongest we can offer our customers today.
There's only upside here. Either you make it big in the next year, or you simply gain $18 billion worth of inspiration and ideas at no cost to you.
It's a solid guarantee from a first-rate program that just may inspire you to...
Change the worldPerhaps Steve Jobs said it best when he rounded up everyone who dared to think huge and had the audacity to create something that was bigger than himself or herself.
In 1997, he announced:
"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently - they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius... Because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do."
Now it's YOUR turn to change the world. Your chance to turn simple ideas into brilliant masterpieces.
With Robert Jordan's breakthrough program How They Did It, today is your Day One. Starting today, you get to begin again to launch your new business... or launch your existing business into immense profitability... and launch yourself to new accomplishments, new opportunities, and new prosperity.
Today is your opportunity to take that idea for a business that's been floating around in your head for some time and is dying to get out and to actually start that business. Your opportunity to inject new ideas and strategies into your current business to ensure its long-term success. Your chance to change the world... starting with YOURSELF!
I strongly encourage you to do something you may not normally do... to act now and order Robert Jordan's incredible program How They Did It.
I look forward to receiving your order and hearing about your thriving business in the next 365 days.
To ALL your future endeavors,
Vic Conant
Chairman, Nightingale-Conant
P.S. We recently published an excellent program from author Jim Camp. As a negotiation coach, businessman, and fellow entrepreneur for more than 20 years, his life is a model of what works. And though he's already a great success, he was still able to find exceptional wisdom and loads of ideas from Robert Jordan's How They Did It.
In Jim's own words:
"[How They Did It] delivers... the real mindsets, capabilities, wisdom, and all the essentials for what it takes for great success as an entrepreneur. He gets it right from the horses' mouths. Take notes!" - Jim Camp, author of The Power of NO
| YES! I want to make my OWN career and business breakthrough using the proven $18 billion secrets learned from 10 of today's most successful entrepreneurs and businesspeople.
Because there's never been a better time to act, please rush me Robert Jordan's NEW 6-CD program How They Did It: Real-World Advice from Today's Most Successful Entrepreneurs, plus the writable PDF guidebook, for 30 DAYS, for JUST $1.00. |
If I don't gain the knowledge I need to launch my own startup or advance my business and career, I'll simply send the program back. No questions asked. If I decide to keep it, I will pay the discounted price of $89.95, which is $10 off the regular price, at the end of my 30-day trial.
| |
Meet Robert Jordan -
Fellow Entrepreneur, Businessman,
and Difference Maker As a proud member of Inc. magazine's "Inc. 500" List, Robert Jordan knows firsthand about the white-hot passion found in becoming an entrepreneur as well as developing businesses. Not only is Bob an author, CEO, and entrepreneur himself, for decades he's worked in the trenches alongside other eager business owners and great minds.
Bob's first entrepreneurial venture was founding Online Access, the world's first Internet-coverage magazine... years BEFORE the Internet became prevalent! After 10 years, he sold his magazine to a giant publisher for a generous payday.
With the lessons Bob learned with Online Access and the entrepreneurial spirit still coursing through his veins, he started two new companies: RedFlash and the Association of Interim Executives. RedFlash gave Bob an outlet to do what he does best - work directly with other entrepreneurs and businesspeople who share his passion of starting and growing young companies. In working with these early-stage companies, Bob was able to bring his proven strategies for launching new products, raising capital, creating profits, and selling companies for millions. With Bob's love of "parachuting into companies" and turning them around, he formed a network of like-minded colleagues, which is known today as the Association of Interim Executives.
Robert Jordan received his bachelor's degree from the Honors College at the University of Michigan and his MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Today, all of Bob's education, experiences, ideas, and passions have culminated in his life's work - his proudest accomplishment - How They Did It: Real-World Advice from Today's Most Successful Entrepreneurs! |