Tuesday, January 03, 2012


Hubert de Lartigue

Once seeking a precise representation of the women he paints, Hubert de Lartigue is now endeavoring to reveal their inner spirit.  Capturing the beauty of his models in their most simple and honest state is what makes his paintings so powerful yet elusive. The women in de Lartigue’s paintings are more than just attractive nudes, they exude a sense of spirit and character which de Lartigue captures with each brush stroke. Often de Lartigue displays a wonderful juxtaposition of the model’s striking eyes, gentle complexion and richly colored hair with a subtle, yet suggestive pout of her lips or a hint of nudity, which draws us in, revealing her charm and a sense of mystery. Such knowing glances from these models evoke not only their allure but their intellect and wit as well.  Some of his most powerful paintings are those in which de Lartigue chooses to examine only a fraction of his model’s physiques.  Yet a compelling dynamic between the viewer and the figure is always apparent. De Lartigue’s search for an inner persona is not lost on these provocative features nor is his perception of beauty.

De Lartigue was born in 1963 in France and received his MFA from École Estienne in Paris, France in 1987. His solo exhibitions include "Great American Pin-up- Vintage and Contemporary Works" and “Figure it Out”, Louis K. Meisel Gallery (New York), "Femmes artistes (peintures recente)” Galerie Frederic Bosser(Paris, France) and Bernarducci.Meisel.Gallery(New York). De Lartigue has also exhibited in several group exhibitions in New York and Paris among other notable cities.



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