Aaron White @ Cain Schulte Gallery
Friday, May 01 2009 by Anonymous
Aaron White @ Cain Schulte Gallery
Friday, May 01 2009 by Anonymous
Cain Schulte Gallery in collaboration with Aftermodern, presents new work by Los Angeles-based painter Aaron White.
Beginning with the Opening Reception for the artist on Friday, May 1st, 2009 from 5:30 to 8:00 pm, the exhibition runs from May 1st until June 6, 2009.
The exhibition, entitled “French New Wave,” is Aaron White’s first solo exhibit in San Francisco since 2006. White began his career as an anonymous underground artist on the streets of Los Angeles while earning a living as a commercial animator and graphic designer. In his work, the artist combines a gritty street aesthetic with appealing figures who are often erotic, dark and mysterious.
His work is inspired by Diego Rivera, guerrilla art and Mexican street murals, and is rooted into an abstract expressionistic style. White’s “French New Wave” presents work drawn directly from his dreams to create exuberant, edgy and electric characters that reappear throughout his art.
While some of White’s characters will seem familiar to those who have seen his earlier shows, new spicy sexy characters emerge as well. Set against intense backdrops exploding with color and texture, White’s work for this exhibit is his most mature commentary to date on the post contemporary urban experience. Cain Schulte also expects to show Aaron White’s work in Berlin when it opens its new gallery in the fall of 2009.
White was born in Southern California, but spent his early years in Woodstock, New York, where his father, abstract expressionist artist Saul White, lived and worked. In the 1970s, Aaron moved back to California where he began to hone his own artistic style. He studied at Otis Parsons in Los Angeles and has exhibited extensively, including shows at Don Melveny Gallery in Beverly Hills, 222 Gallery in Los Angeles, The Lace Gallery and the Angles Gate Museum.
White’s most recently completed exhibit prior to “French New Wave” was a group show presented in Boston at Monserrat College of Art From November 2006 to February 2007 and entitled “Electric Wasteland Urban Art from L.A.” His work has also been featured in the LA Times, Thrasher, Surfer and Rolling Stone magazines. His art is exhibited at Flashpoint Academy in Chicago and is in the private collection of Howard Tullman, a prominent entrepreneur and collector of contemporary urban art.