stop: Introduction
Matt Walker is a songwriter, but you probably know him for his extensive resume as an in-demand touring and session drummer, working with the likes of Filter, Smashing Pumpkins, Garbage and, most recently, iconic former-Smiths vocalist, Morrissey. Where as many musicians would embrace the luxuries that come with such high profile gigs, Matt has never been one to indulge in the "lifestyle" of rock stardom. In the midst of some of alternative rock's largest tours Matt steadfastly worked on his own music behind the scenes. Behind the scenes is somewhat of an understatement, really. He has written and recorded all over the world in a blur of hotel rooms, airport terminals, tour buses, trains and even ferries. "One of my favorite songs, 'To Helsinki', I wrote in a cell sized cabin on a ferry trudging thru the icy waters of the Gulf of Bothnia", Matt recalls. However, for all of Matt's talent and determination, he never felt he had the ability to sing his own songs properly. Having amassed a considerably impressive collection of demos, Matt made the decision to seek out a singer to bring them to life.
rewind: Fate
JT McCluskey is a Chicago-based singer-songwriter who Matt had known for many years. The two had worked in close circles, but it wasn't until 2004 that they worked together. While recording with his then band, Epic recording artists Exit the King, JT invited Matt to lay down some drum tracks for the album. The band was recorded live, set up in the same room with the musicians facing one another. JT and Matt found themselves feeding off each other's energy, and that exchange soon became the crux of the sessions. During the following weeks the two realized they not only shared a strong musical compatibility, but also an usually disciplined work ethic. When Matt began his search for a singer, he knew who his first call would be.
"Most singers who look and sound like JT like to keep their hands clean, JT prefers the opposite" muses Matt. "He is a breath of fresh air from my previous experience."
play: Demos
In 2005, Matt and JT entered I.V. Lab Studios in Chicago to see where their unique creative chemistry might lead them. JT's vocals brought a raw, visceral energy to the songs, as well as a new melodic dimension that complimented the more experimental side of Matt's writing. The duo proceeded to collaborate on additional material, drawing on a wide range of influences: from the austere, early electronic soundscapes of NEU! to the dramatic flair of '70s glam and the sonic experimentations of Iggy Pop and David Bowie's Berlin recordings. They reveled in twisting the esoteric mix into an unpredictable yet accessible futuristic vision of melodic rock. And as is the Tao of such things, they made it real by giving it a name that would reflect both the music's bold ambition: The Most Dangerous Race (theMDR).
pause: Convergence
In early 2006, Matt accepted an opportunity to go on tour with Morrissey, which kept him on the road both in the States and overseas for the better part of the next 2 years. Hesitant to put theMDR on such an extended hiatus, he and JT embraced a virtual work style, using the Internet to send their tracks back and forth, and while progress was definitely made, the long distance connection was no match for a band. Matt and JT next sought to recruit likeminded musicians that would share both their passion and vision. With the addition of Larry Schroeder on bass and Brendan Byrnes on guitar, the quartet got together during Matt's tour breaks and fleshed out the material. Finally, within the context of an actual band playing and each member contributing their own 'voice', the full potential of songs was truly realized. theMDR had become a band.
play: Live
With just a few scattered but intense rehearsals, theMDR put together a live set that capitalized not only on the strength of the songs, but also on the agility of the musicians now sharing the stage together. The songs provided a dynamic platform for Matt, JT, Larry and Brendan to interact in the moment and create a new dialog both harmonically and texturally. The only trick was to find enough time in Matt's schedule to prepare sufficiently for their live debut. So the idea came about that they would film Matt playing the set down, and then continue to rehearse with their absent drummer projected against the studio wall. Not exactly rocket science, but clever enough to overcome the immediate obstacle. TheMDR played its first live show in Chicago in March 2007, and their hard work definitely paid off, the response was overwhelmingly positive.
fast forward: theMDR
As the number of completed songs grew well beyond the number needed for a single release, theMDR decided to sink their flag into the ever shifting sands of cyberspace and self release a series of four 6-track EPs. In 2007 they released the first two EPs, Inventing Shadows and Metallic Tongue. In early 2008 they released ARC, with their fourth EP, Future God, slated for release in the fall. Plans are also being made to go on tour later in the year, both in the states and Europe, as well as to record theMDR's first full-length album.
theMDR is: JT McCluskey (vocals), Matt Walker (guitar, keyboards, programming, drums), Larry Schroeder (bass), and Brendan Byrnes (guitar).