NEWS RELEASE May 22, 2008
Contact: Efrat Stein, 312-744-5365
The City of Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Licensing (DBA), in partnership with The City Colleges of Chicago are gearing up for the next “Business Works”, a free business seminar for entrepreneurs providing a great line-up of speakers, workshops and exhibitors. The seminar, the second in a series of four, will be held at 5:30 pm, Thursday May 29, at Malcolm X College, 1900 W. Van Buren St.
The event will kick off with an inspiring keynote speaker, Howard A. Tullman, President and CEO of Flashpoint Academy, and President Emeritus of Kendall College in Chicago. Tullman will speak to entrepreneurs about the “Perspiration Principles: you get what you work for, not what you wish for.” Tullman, who has over 30 years of experience in management, new business development, entrepreneurial ventures, and an extensive background in operations technology and multimedia, will provide valuable insight for business owners looking to start and grow their business.
An exciting line up of valuable free workshops presented by expert government and business agencies will be offered which cover topics essential to starting or growing a small business:
• City of Chicago Contracting 101, Chicago Department of Procurement Services
• Business Planning for your Childcare Business, Woman’s Business Development Center
• How To Finance Your Business, Chicago Community Ventures
• How To Develop Your Business Plan, Illinois SBDC/Duman Microentrerprise Center at JVS
At the event, entrepreneurs will gain valuable business information and education from nearly 30 exhibitors from government and other agencies that assist small businesses. Organizations that help with start up and alternative financing will also be on hand.
Anyone starting or growing a business should not miss this event. Registration begins at 5:30 p.m. followed by a speaking program, workshops and exhibitors. Registration is not required, and the event is free. For more information about this or upcoming Business Works Seminars, businesses can call 311 or visit www.cityofchicago.org/businessaffairs.