VIDEO Interview Link: http://www.reelchicago.com/story.cfm?storyID=1819
Avid and Microsoft with support from Roscor and Flashpoint presented a full industry-oriented program of training seminars and an industry panel as well as breakout sessions especially for Flashpoint students and also additional materials and presentations for a group of CPS educators who are all part of the City's ETC (Education to Careers) initiatives.
The events were well-attended and very helpful. The day's activities ended with a raffle, tour of Flashpoint and a reception in the Digital Garage. The program was also covered and filmed by REEL CHICAGO. Our thanks to Avid, Microsoft, Roscor and all of the Panel participants who helped make the event such a success.
Flashpoint people who really extended themselves to help make sure that the event went off smoothly included Daniel Epstein, Bruce Montgomery, Lindsay Drucker, Rachel Landry, Bernie Mack, Ernesto Paras, and our great IT, AV and Security staffs. Thanks to all.