Thursday, May 03, 2007 - 06:19 PM
Click on title of this post to see NBC video

PROVIDENCE -- Add another community to Rhode Island's existing 39 cities and towns.
Exchange City is a learning tool designed to help middle and high school students gain real-life experiences. The real working city, housed on the campus of Johnson and Wales University, has a bank, a post office, a city hall and much more.
The Exchange City program teaches students about career options, personal finance, and their role as consumers in our economy.
Students from area schools can spend one or two days in Exchange City as part of a seven-week curriculum.
"Every student before they ever got here had to fill out a resume, do a job search, went through job interviews, job applications, and after those interviews, got hired into a specific job," said Ken Fish, executive director of Exchange City.
The students from the Urban Collaborative Accelerated Program kicked off their first day at Exchange City on Thursday.
They elected a mayor, and the story was covered by an Exchange City television reporter.
More than a dozen local schools are expected to visit Exchange City in the coming weeks. The organization is already accepting reservations for next year.