"The Gaze"
Artist's Information:
Mitsy Groenendijk - 1952
Lives and works in Amsterdam.
Sculptures 1995 / 2004
For several years, the "animal - bust", functions as the main subject in the work of Mitsy Groenendijk.
The portrait of the cultivated poodle, reflects a particular set of human characteristics and perceptions. They are a metaphor for our (read: mankind's) desire to control nature.
The elements used in these objects, are derived from different disciplines, traditions and periods and mirror among others, a specific view on religion, symbolism and eroticism.
Gradually the animal image, develops into a metaphor, for the intuitive process of being. Which is initiated by the monkey sculptures in the series: "People see - People do" 2003/ 2004.
In these installations, we are invited to reconsider our typical western way of thinking. In the West we are trained to dichotomize, (black/white, hot/cold, good/evil.)
In a world of chaos we use our rational mind in a vain attempt to create order. The result is more and more rules.
Instead we might consider centering at heart and permit our intuitive selves to observe what solutions might spontaneously present themselves.
This process can be non-judgmental and inclusive.In these installations the intuitive process prevails over rational calculated strategies. The monkey sculptures are the metaphor for this process.
S . L .
Mitsy Groenendijk