Friday, July 31, 2020
Rump Is the Election Crisis He Is Warning About
Is the Election Crisis He Is Warning About
When a sitting President
threatens to delay a sacrosanct American ritual, you’d better listen.
July 31, 2020
On Thursday morning,
minutes after the worst U.S. economic data in seventy years were released and
barely two hours before an American hero who risked his life for the right to
vote was laid to rest, the President of the United States proposed delaying
this fall’s election. Amid the coronavirus
pandemic and widespread remote voting, Donald
Trump said that it would be the most “INACCURATE &
FRAUDULENT Election in history.” Why shouldn’t the U.S. “Delay the Election,”
he asked, “until people can properly, securely and safely vote???”
It was not the first
time that the President has raised this particular canard—and a canard it is, a
radical move that is not within his power to make happen—but it was by far his
most inflammatory, destabilizing, and provocative attempt yet to call into
question the legitimacy of the November election, in which he is trailing the
Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, in virtually every poll. Has there ever been a
President who has done more to undermine American democracy? Trump himself has
become the crisis of confidence in our political system that he warns about. He
is his own self-fulfilling prophecy.
Don’t be sucked in,
Trump’s critics immediately warned. He is trolling us. He is distracting us. Of
course, they had a point. It was no accident that the tweet came at 8:46 a.m., sixteen minutes after the
government reported that the U.S. economy had contracted by nearly ten per cent
in the second quarter, the biggest drop in quarterly G.D.P. ever. There is so
very much for Trump to distract us from. Trump’s tweet came just a day after a
grievous milestone was reached: a hundred and fifty thousand Americans dead
from covid-19. And it was
only a couple of hours before John Lewis, the longtime congressman and
civil-rights leader, was laid to rest in what amounted to a state funeral—minus
the decidedly unwelcome head of state.
But this was not merely
one of Trump’s transitory diversions, in a week already full of them. (Remember
the demon-sperm-doctor controversy? The transparently racist appeal to those
living the “Suburban Lifestyle Dream” free of low-income interlopers?) In fact,
Trump’s attack on the legitimacy of the upcoming election has been intensifying
for months, as his poll standing has sunk. Trump’s “Twitter Richter scale,” as
the Democratic lawyer Norm Eisen put it to me the other day, was already
registering “off the charts” on the subject. Indeed, when I asked Bill
Frischling, who runs the Factbase Web site, which tracks Trump’s public
statements and tweets, to look at how often the President had questioned voting
or suggested that an election would be rigged, unfair, or otherwise
compromised, he came up with seven hundred and thirteen references by Trump
since 2012, the vast majority occurring in clusters as the elections of 2016,
2018, and 2020 neared. Already, Factbase has recorded ninety-one instances of
such rhetoric from Trump this year, a number which is all but sure to escalate.
So, sorry, we cannot
just ignore it when the President threatens to cancel an election. This is the
kind of statement that should haunt your dreams. It is wannabe-dictator talk.
It is dangerous even if it is not attached to any actions. And those who think
that some actions will not follow have not been paying attention. My alarm
stems from having covered Russia when Vladimir
Putin was dismantling the fragile, flawed democratic
institutions that the country had established after the fall of the Soviet
Union. It stems from reading history. It stems from having watched the past
four years in America, where, day by day, the unthinkable has happened and been
justified, rationalized, and explained away.
Some of Trump’s
supporters are already normalizing his attacks on the foundations of American
democracy; he has succeeded in getting us used to the idea, to having a
conversation that should never be happening. In April, Biden warned, at a
fund-raiser, that Trump might attempt to “kick back the election” if he was
losing. At the time, Steve Guest, the director of rapid response for the
Republican National Committee, responded, “Joe Biden is off his rocker to make
such an irresponsible allegation without any evidence.” Well, now we have the
evidence. And what did Steve Guest have to say on Thursday? When I e-mailed
him, he did not respond. His Twitter feed was silent. “Those are the incoherent,
conspiracy-theory ramblings of a lost candidate who is out of touch with
reality,” the Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh said, about Biden, back in
April. “President Trump has been clear that the election will happen on
November 3rd.” So what are we supposed to think now?
Trump’s most senior
Cabinet officials have shown that they, too, are willing to follow their leader
down even this most dubious of paths. Attorney General William
Barr, asked during congressional testimony earlier this week, before
Trump’s tweet, about the possibility of a delayed election, refused to rule it
out, dismissively saying that he had “never looked into it.” On Thursday,
shortly after Trump’s tweet, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo refused to answer
the question, as well. “I’m not going to enter a legal judgment on that on the
fly,” Pompeo, a Harvard Law School graduate who is likely quite familiar with
the Constitution, said. He nonetheless added, “In the end, the Department of
Justice and others will make that legal determination,” which is not at all how
it will work.
Just as problematic were
the lukewarm-at-best defenses of American democracy offered by some of the
Republicans who did comment on Thursday. “We’ve had elections every November
since about 1788, and I expect that will be the case again this year,” the
Senate Majority Whip, John Thune, of South Dakota, said. “I don’t think it’s a
particularly good idea,” Senator Lindsey Graham, Trump’s golfing buddy and confidant
from South Carolina, said. “Expect”? “Particularly”? Not exactly a rousing case
for voting. Perhaps most astonishing was this comment from Senator Kevin
Cramer, of North Dakota: “I think that, if you guys take the bait, he’ll be the
happiest guy in town. I read it. I laughed. I thought, My gosh, this is going
to consume a lot of people, except real people. And it was clever.”
The fact that putting
off an election is outside the power of the Presidency, that the Constitution
clearly prescribes a transition of power on January 20th, 2021, and that it
would take an act of Congress to do anything about changing the time, place,
and manner of the election is certainly relevant. But there are many ways to
cancel elections, and not all of them involve literally failing to hold the
balloting. Denying access to the polls, questioning the legitimacy of the
results, throwing up legal challenges, forcing voters to stand in long lines:
these have all happened, in our lifetimes, in the United States—we don’t have to
look to foreign tyrannies for examples of how to influence elections. So was it
really reassuring when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tried to put the
matter to rest by calling the November election date “set in stone”? When House
Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said, “We should go forward with our
election. . . . No way should we ever not hold an election on
the day that we have it”?
The President did not
back off his words. He did not delete his tweet; instead, he pinned it to the
top of his feed for part of the day. After hours of criticism, including from a
founder of the Federalist Society, who said that it was ground for his
impeachment and removal, Trump’s unconvincing effort at spin was to suggest
that it was all a brilliant ploy to get “the very dishonest LameStream Media to
finally start talking about the Risks to our Democracy from dangerous Universal
Mail-in Voting.” But, in fact, the risk to American democracy is Trump himself.
Later, at a news conference, Trump yammered and
stammered his way through questions about whether he really favored a delay.
“Do I want to see a day changed? No. But I don’t want to see a crooked
election,” he said. He again suggested that the election could be “fraudulent,”
“fake,” and “rigged.” It was not a denial. He never disavowed what he had said
earlier. On Thursday, Trump careened over a cliff, and the question is, whom is
he going to take with him?
After Trump’s tweet, I
spent much of the day listening to the funeral of the late Representative
Lewis, who was mourned as an American saint, a hero who staked his life on the
premise that voting in elections was the truest expression of our democracy.
Trump’s three predecessors were in attendance, their presence a visible rebuke
to the current President and a reminder of his absence. Trump’s name was never
spoken out loud. It did not have to be.
The drill is sadly
familiar by now. These funerals of public figures in the Trump era have become
the mark of our divided and splintered politics, the gathering spaces at which
we are forced to take stock of the widening gap between our current President
and the state of his party and what the leaders of both parties once believed.
When John McCain, the Trump-resisting Republican senator from Arizona and a
Vietnam War hero, died, in 2018, we saw it. And, again, a few months later, for George H. W. Bush, the Republican
avatar of a vanishing East Coast-conservative establishment, whose last vote
for President was against Trump, in 2016.
Lewis’s sendoff was
always going to be a grand one. He was one of the last of the civil-rights
greats still with us. He had long ago guaranteed his place in the American
pantheon with that march in Selma, as a young man—and with the decades that
followed of irrepressible service and indefatigable activism for social justice
and equality under law. During the service, he was hailed as Martin Luther
King, Jr.,’s disciple, the heir of Gandhi and Mandela, a great-great-grandson
of slaves whose moral audacity and sheer bravery transformed him into “Saint
Lewis,” a would-be preacher who became the sermon himself.
But Trump’s tweet
provided the urgency of the moment, the infuriating and clarifying framing for
a funeral that took place when the rights for which Lewis fought—not the least
of which is the right for all eligible voters to cast their ballot this
fall—are under threat as never before. Bill Campbell, the former mayor of
Atlanta, told the mourners at Atlanta’s storied Ebenezer Baptist Church that
Lewis had conveyed to him a final wish when they last met. “He pulled me closer
and he whispered, ‘Everyone has to vote in November. It is the most important
election ever,’ ” Campbell said. “I promised him that with every fibre in
my body. . . . If you truly want to honor this American hero,
make sure that you vote.”
At McCain’s funeral,
Barack Obama delivered a eulogy in which he rebuked the “small and mean and
petty” politics of the moment, and the “trafficking in bombast, in insult, in
phony controversies and manufactured outrage.” This was back in the late summer
of 2018, when it still seemed as though Trump’s hateful words and tweets were
the threat, and when it was still news when the former President obliquely
criticized the current one.
But Lewis died at a time
when Trump, facing reëlection he fears he may lose, has made his threats more
explicit, and Obama’s response this time was more direct, too. In his eulogy
for Lewis, the former President brought the church to its feet by denouncing
modern-day Bull Connors and George Wallaces and by making explicit references
to the police who killed George Floyd in Minneapolis and to the federal
law-enforcement agents that Trump has ordered to violently suppress peaceful
protests. “Democracy isn’t automatic,” he warned. “It has to be nurtured, it
has to be tended to.”
Most of all, Obama’s
eulogy was an extended love letter not just to Lewis but to the voting rights
that he had been willing to sacrifice his life for. Obama demanded action, and
he was specific: renewing the Voting Rights Act provisions that have been
gutted by the Supreme Court in recent years and blocked by Republicans in
Congress, and eliminating the Senate filibuster, which he called a “Jim Crow
So often, Donald Trump
looks to the worst of the past in making a hash of America’s present. He is,
bizarrely, even now running as a defender of the Confederacy, the toxic legacy
of which Lewis spent his life trying to undo. Obama, in contrast, is the
perpetual conjurer of a better American future, and there are few who heard his
soaring peroration who could not have been inspired by its vision of a vibrant,
free, inclusive democracy.
But perhaps the fierce urgency of the day was best
summed up by a scene that caught my eye as the funeral was ending. It was a
glimpse of Stacey Abrams, the Democrat who came up short in her run for Georgia
governor, two years ago. Like all the other mourners, she was wearing a face
mask because of the pandemic. On it was written a single word: “Vote.”
Susan B. Glasser, a staff writer, was the
founding editor of Politico Magazine. In September, she will publish, with
Peter Baker, “The Man Who Ran Washington.”
It must sting to still be defending Trump.
You have echoed lies and defended
demagoguery. It must sting to still be defending Trump.
Opinion by
July 30, 2020 at 5:29 p.m. CDT
What a
tremendous burden it must be for you to still be defending President Trump. You
have called yourself a constitutional conservative for decades, but now you sit
silently as the president pushes to move this year’s election because he might
lose. Even some Republican senators are speaking up. Why aren’t you?
remembers how you ran interference for him when he claimed unlimited powers
under Article II of the Constitution, so he thinks you will stay quiet.
Remember your silence after Charlottesville? You eventually mustered the nerve
to claim Trump never preached moral equivalence between torch-carrying Nazis
and protesters. How unthoughtful it was of David Duke to expose you by praising
the president’s putrid performance and thanking Trump for his “honesty and courage to tell the
truth.” The former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard even bragged to
reporters that Charlottesville represented a “turning point” for white
nationalism. “We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump,” Duke proclaimed. “That’s why
we voted for [him].”
That one had to sting, but you kept on defending Donald.
If you
had a political soul after that shameful stunt, the Cold Warrior in you would
have been as sickened by Trump’s retreat from Germany as U.S. strategists were
over his ceding of Syria to Vladimir Putin, handing Moscow a foothold in the
Middle East for the first time since 1973. No country was a closer ally during
the Cold War than West Germany, and no nation is more critical to Europe’s
future now than a unified Germany. Undermining the U.S.-German alliance because
of an ignorant misunderstanding of NATO’s dues structure undermines the
historic work that Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush completed throughout the
Cold War’s final years.
there you are, silently supporting a demagogue who sits by while intelligence
suggests Russia’s leader put bounties on the heads of young American troops.
Trump instead plays Putin’s apologist by declaring the United States equally
we supplied weapons when they were fighting Russia, too,” Trump said of our efforts
to liberate Afghanistan from the Soviet invasion some 40 years ago.
Did any
part of you cringe when Trump leaned once again on the crutch of moral
equivalency, ignoring the glaring fact that the U.S.S.R. was America’s sworn
enemy during our “twilight struggle” against communism? Maybe not. Maybe Trump
has you figured out and knows what a frightened political soul you are, and
remembers that you remained mute when he defended Putin’s killing of
journalists and political rivals almost five years ago. “Our country does
plenty of killing also,” candidate Trump told me when I
repeatedly pressed him on “Morning Joe” to criticize Putin’s murderous ways. He
wouldn’t then when the victims were Russian reporters, and he won’t now when
the targets are young American heroes in uniform.
I know
Trump’s devotion to Putin deeply disturbs you, but somehow you swallow that
bile and keep running cover for them both. How hard it must have been to keep
all of that down when Trump’s foreign policy adviser, national security adviser, campaign chairman, deputy campaign chairman, personal lawyer, political consultant and attorney general were
all busted for lying to federal investigators or Congress about their contacts
with Russians. But you still kept your head down and marched in a single
formation behind Trump.
When it
was revealed that Russia’s interference in the 2016 campaign was “sweeping and systematic,” you
shrugged your shoulders. You later learned that Russian nationals with
connections to the Kremlin promised Trump’s family dirt on Hillary Clinton, and
that they were excited to learn it was part of “Russia and its government’s
support for Mr. Trump.” You remained motionless, numb to it
all, when federal investigators later revealed that Russia’s GRU began hacking Clinton-related email
accounts hours after Trump announced this: “Russia, if you’re
listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”
By this
time, you began mindlessly regurgitating the former reality TV host’s
propaganda about the “Russian hoax,” and hoped Americans would be stupid enough
to ignore the mountains of damning evidence against Trump. Your singular focus
turned to the Steele dossier’s most lurid tales, and you believed then, and
now, that Christopher Steele’s fantastical claims could erase a multitude of
Trump’s sins. You repeated the lies of Attorney General William P. Barr and
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey O. Graham when they falsely claimed the FBI’s
investigation began with Steele’s dossier. And you kept repeating this idiotic
defense even after it became painfully evident that Trump’s team welcomed
Russia’s interference in American democracy and then tried to cover it up.
You still
refuse to criticize the Trump team’s use of material stolen by Russia during
the last month of the campaign, just like you and your president continue
turning a blind eye to any Russian bounties.
dare call it treason, but perhaps one day they will.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
The Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue
The Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue
is the kind of boss who can’t do the job — and won’t go away.
By Paul Krugman
July 30, 2020, 6:39 p.m. ET
Every worker’s nightmare is the
horrible boss — everyone knows at least one — who is utterly incompetent yet
refuses to step aside. Such bosses have the reverse Midas touch — everything
they handle turns to crud — but they’ll pull out every stop, violate every
norm, to stay in that corner office. And they damage, sometimes destroy, the
institutions they’re supposed to lead.
Donald Trump is, of course, one of
those bosses. Unfortunately, he’s not just a bad business executive. He is, God
help us, the president. And the institution he may destroy is the United States
of America.
Has any previous president failed his
big test as thoroughly as Trump has these past few months? He rejected the
advice of health experts and pushed for a rapid economic reopening, hoping for
a boom leading into the election. He ridiculed and belittled measures that
would have helped slow the spread of the coronavirus, including wearing face
masks and practicing social distancing, turning what should have been common
sense into a front in the culture war.
The result has been disaster both
epidemiological and economic.
the past week the U.S. death toll from
Covid-19 averaged more than 1,000 people a day, compared with just four — four!
— per day in Germany. Vice President Mike Pence’s mid-June declaration that
“There isn’t a coronavirus ‘second wave’” felt like whistling in the dark even
at the time; now it feels like a sick joke.
And all those extra deaths don’t seem
to have bought us anything in terms of economic performance. America’s economic
contraction in the first half of 2020 was almost identical to
the contraction in Germany, despite our far higher death toll. And while life
in Germany has in many ways returned to normal, a variety of indicators suggest that after two months of rapid job growth,
the U.S. recovery is stalling in the face of a resurgent pandemic.
Wait, it gets worse. Trump, his
officials and their allies in the Senate have been totally committed to the
idea that the U.S. economy will experience a stunningly rapid recovery despite
the wave of new infections and deaths. They bought into that view so completely
that they seem incapable of taking on board the overwhelming evidence that it
isn’t happening.
Just a few days ago Larry Kudlow, Trump’s
top economist, insisted that a so-called V-shaped recovery was still on track and
that “unemployment claims and continuing claims are falling rapidly.” In
fact, both are rising.
because the Trump team insisted that a roaring recovery was coming, and refused
to notice that it wasn’t happening, we’ve now stumbled into a completely
gratuitous economic crisis.
Thanks to Republican inaction, millions
of unemployed workers have seen their last checks from the Pandemic
Unemployment Compensation program, which was meant to sustain them through a
coronavirus-ravaged economy; the virus is still raging, but their life support
has been cut off.
So Trump has completely botched his
job, bringing unnecessary pain to millions of Americans and unnecessary death
to thousands. He may not care, but voters do. So he should be trying to turn
things around, if only as a matter of political and personal self-interest.
But here’s the thing: Even if Trump
were the kind of guy who could learn from his mistakes, it’s too late. If we
had found ourselves in our current situation a year ago, there might still have
been time for Trump to get the virus under control and turn the economy around.
But the election is just around the corner.
Suppose that the numbers on deaths and
jobs were to get somewhat better over the next three months. How much would
that improve voters’ views of the denier in chief? How much credence would the
public give, even to genuinely good news, after the false dawn this past
spring? At this point Trump is simply a failed president, and everyone except
his die-hard supporters knows it.
But as I said at the beginning, Trump
is one of those nightmare bosses who can’t do the job but won’t step aside.
So of course he’s now talking
about delaying the election.
This was predictable; indeed, Joe Biden predicted
it months ago, amid much mockery from pundits (none of whom, I predict, will
Trump can’t do that. There will be an election on Nov. 3. But what Trump can
do, if he loses, is claim that the election was stolen, that there were
millions of fraudulent votes, that the results aren’t legitimate. Hey, he did
that after losing the popular vote in 2016, even though he won the Electoral
Such antics almost surely wouldn’t let
him stay in the White House, although the process of getting him out may be …
interesting. But they could produce a lot of chaos and quite possibly some
violence across the nation. And anyone who doesn’t think disgruntled Trump
supporters would try to sabotage a Biden administration — including its efforts
to deal with the pandemic — hasn’t been paying attention.
This is what happens when you put a
horrible boss in charge of running the country. And nobody can say when, if
ever, the damage will be repaired.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Republicans’ political games are a bust
Republicans’ political games are a bust
Opinion by
July 29, 2020 at 10:45 a.m. CDT
lies, outrageous positions and fear-mongering spewed by President Trump and his
enablers might be infuriating, but just keep in mind they are politically
counterproductive. Forget about the reckless governance, which is a lost cause.
Be outraged, but also comforted that Republicans’ political pratfalls are
making it more likely that voters will boot them out.
facade of normalcy crumbled entirely on Tuesday when he whined that his
administration’s public health officials, Anthony S. Fauci and Deborah Birx,
had better approval ratings than he. “It can only be my personality, that’s
all," he said without
irony. Well, that and nearly 150,000 dead Americans. There’s
also his hawking of dangerous remedies. On Tuesday, he continued beating the
drum for hydroxychloroquine and to tout a discredited doctor who peddles the
antimalarial drug, says masks are not needed and believes that alien DNA is
used in modern medicine. Trump also falsely insisted large parts of the country
are free of coronavirus.
was Trump at his worst — self-pitying, ignorant, irrational and utterly unaware
how he comes across to those outside his cult. What’s more, he unwittingly
confirmed how easily right-wing media characters lead him around by the nose —
no matter how absurd and unfounded their claims. Meanwhile, he seethes with
resentment toward actual experts who continue to present accurate — but
politically unhelpful — evidence of his failure to combat the pandemic.
In the
Trump enablers category, no one compares to Attorney General William P. Barr in
his willingness to throw caution, facts and manners to the wind to defend his
boss. His bristling testimony before
the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday was quintessential Barr. He hesitated
to definitively say that soliciting help from a foreign government is
inappropriate (he had to be asked twice) and claimed his intervention for a
lighter sentence for Trump confidant Roger Stone was appropriate. He declared
that law enforcement should be able to arrest and use tear gas against peaceful
protesters to restore “order.” He suggested it is legal to throw someone in an unmarked car without
probable cause. (It isn’t.)
might deny the existence of systemic racism, but he cannot account for why
federal agents were deployed to Portland to squelch Black Lives Matter
protesters and not to Michigan, where MAGA forces charged a statehouse, got in
officers’ faces and threatened the governor. Asked about disagreeable facts or
evidence of unfair treatment, he claimed not to be aware of such information —
ironically demonstrating how partisan law enforcement harbors implicit bias and
fails to equally apply the law through willful ignorance.
hours of his testimony painting a picture of utter chaos in Portland, the
city’s mayor announced federal agents had left. Maybe Barr was
once again simply spewing campaign-type rhetoric in service of his boss? If his
effort was to convey Trump as a “law and order” candidate, the hysterical
testimony was a flop. Even if Barr would not retreat, the federal forces did.
more noteworthy, poll after poll shows that Trump and Barr are entirely out of
tune with public opinion, which sides strongly with protesters seeking racial
justice. A Gallup poll released
Tuesday reports:
two in three Americans (65%) support the nationwide protests about racial
injustice that followed the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis
police in late May. Half say they feel “very” (23%) or “somewhat connected”
(27%) to the protests’ cause. ...
Americans are more likely
to say the protests “will help” (53%) rather than “hurt” (34%) public support
for racial justice and equality, while 13% say they will “make no difference.”
are the exception to these trends, but even 22 percent of them side with the
racial justice activists. In other words, Barr is dishonestly hawking Trump’s
phony “law and order” message to no avail.
testimony was punctuated by the usual histrionics from Republican congressmen.
Ranking minority-party member and conspiracy monger Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio)
felt compelled to share a mash-up video of
violent scenes of protests. Meant to convey that we need Trump to keep the
peace, it did the opposite: This is what America looks like under Trump.
Democrats might want to feature Jordan in their ads: Is this the party
you want in charge?
brings us to Republican senators, who seemed determined to put out the most
unattractive and politically disastrous stimulus possible. The bill includes
$1.75 billion for a new FBI building across from Trump’s hotel, but no eviction
moratorium. It knocks down federal support for unemployment insurance, but
throws in a new deduction for business meals and entertainment. It includes
liability immunity for businesses, but no money for state and local governments
to prevent mass layoffs. You would be hard-pressed to come up with something
that would better highlight their disdain for working people, docility in the
face of Trump’s self-dealing and capitulation to corporate interests.
final blow was delivered by none other than Trump. In a singular moment of
clarity, he declared the proposal “sort
of semi-irrelevant." If there is to be a deal, it will have to be worked
out between the House and White House. So what purpose are Senate Republicans
serving here? The next Democratic ad might rightly ask why “sort of
semi-irrelevant” lawmakers should be in the majority.
Trump nor Barr nor Republicans in Congress have a clue what the public wants or
how they come across outside the right-wing media bubble. They remain
stubbornly divorced from reality and temperamentally unfit for the serious task
of governance. In less than 100 days, voters have the chance to drive them from
office and return sane, stable characters to government.
Column: What happened to an America where you could freely speak your mind?
What happened to an America where you could freely speak your mind?
JUL 29,
2020 AT 5:00 AM
The angry left-handed broom of America’s cultural revolution uses
fear to sweep through our civic, corporate and personal life.
It brings with it attempted intimidation, shame and the usual
demands for ceremonies of public groveling.
It is happening in newsrooms in New York, Philadelphia, Los
Angeles. And now it’s coming for me, in an attempt to shame me into silence.
Here’s what happened:
Last week, with violence spiking around the country, I wrote a
column on the growing sense of lawlessness in America’s urban areas.
In response, the Tribune newspaper union, the Chicago Tribune
Guild, which I have repeatedly and politely declined to join, wrote an open
letter to management defaming me, by falsely accusing me of religious bigotry
and fomenting conspiracy theories.
Newspaper management has decided not to engage publicly with the
union. So I will.
For right now, let’s deal with facts. My July 22 column was titled
“Something grows in the big cities run by Democrats: An overwhelming sense of
It explored the connections between soft-on-crime prosecutors and
increases in violence along with the political donations of left-wing
billionaire George Soros, who in several states has funded liberal candidates
for prosecutor, including Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx.
Soros’ influence on these races is undeniable and has been widely
reported. But in that column, I did not mention Soros’ ethnicity or religion.
You’d think that before wildly accusing someone of fomenting
bigoted conspiracy theories, journalists on the union’s executive board would
at least take the time to Google the words “Soros,” “funding” and “local
As recently as February, the Sun Times pointed out
roughly $2 million in Soros money flowing to Foxx in her
primary election effort against more law-and-order candidates.
In August 2016, Politico outlined Soros’ money
supporting local DA races and included the view from
opponents and skeptics that if successful, these candidates would make
communities “less safe.”
From the Wall Street Journal in November
2016: “Mr. Soros, a major backer of liberal causes, has
contributed at least $3.8 million to political action committees supporting
candidates for district attorney in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia,
Illinois, Missouri, New Mexico, Texas and Wisconsin, according to campaign
The Huffington Post in May 2018
wrote about contributions from Soros and Super PACs to local
prosecutor candidates who were less law-and-order than their opponents.
So, it seems that the general attitude in journalism is that super
PACs and dark money are bad, unless of course, they’re operated by wealthy
billionaires of the left. Then they’re praised and courted.
All of this is against the backdrop of an America divided into
camps, between those who think they can freely speak their minds and those who
know they can’t.
Most people subjected to cancel culture don’t have a voice.
They’re afraid.
They have no platform. When they’re shouted down, they’re expected
to grovel. After the groveling, comes social isolation. Then they are swept
But I have a newspaper column.
As a columnist and political reporter, I have given some 35 years
of my life to the Chicago Tribune, even more if you count my time as an eager
Tribune copy boy. And over this time, readers know that I have shown respect to
my profession, to colleagues and to this newspaper.
Agree with me or not — and isn’t that the point of a newspaper
column? — I owe readers a clear statement of what I will do and not do:
I will not apologize for writing about Soros.
I will not bow to those who’ve wrongly defamed me.
I will continue writing my column.
The left doesn’t like my politics. I get that. I don’t like theirs
much, either. But those who follow me on social media know that I do not
personally criticize my colleagues for their politics. I try to elevate their
fine work. And I tell disgruntled readers who don’t like my colleagues’
politics that “it takes a village.”
Here’s what I’ve learned over my life in and around Chicago, what
my immigrant family taught us in our two-flats on South Peoria Street:
We come into this world alone and we leave alone. And the most
important thing we leave behind isn’t money.
The most important thing we leave is our name.
We leave that to our children.
And I will not soil my name by groveling to anyone in this or any
other newsroom.
The larger question is not about me, or the political left that
hopes to silence people like me, but about America and its young. Those of us
targeted by cancel culture are not only victims. We are examples, as French
revolutionaries once said, in order to encourage the others.
Human beings do not wish to see themselves as cowards. They want
to see themselves as heroes.
And, as they are shaped and taught to fear even the slightest
accusation of thought crime, they will not view themselves as weak for falling
in line. Instead they will view themselves as virtuous. And that is the sin of
Those who do not behave will be marginalized. But those who
self-censor will be praised.
Yet what of our American tradition of freely speaking our minds?
That too, is swept away.
Listen to “The Chicago Way” podcast with John Kass and Jeff Carlin
— at
Twitter @John_Kass
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