Thursday, February 22, 2007

New York Art Fairs - New David Hevel Piece

Day One of the Fairs - a lot to see and a chance to visit with a bunch of new and old friends. Couldn't resist getting another David Hevel sculpture from Heather Marx - it's Brittany Spears, of course, with her pet beaver. A perfect companion to David's piece of K-Fed (her ex) which is already in the Collection. Pix below and more to come:

HAT Appears on Crain's Chicago Website - Talking Management

A recent interview which I did for Crain's just appeared on their website.

The link above should work but, if not, here it is again:

Article in Blog on HAT Video

Leadership in the Real World BlogNotes, links, and inspiration about topics related to personal and leadership development.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Leadership Lessons from Howard Tullman

Crain's Chicago Business recently posted a short video from Howard Tullman that I recommend you take the time to watch. I appreciate the clarity in which he communicates the essence of what it means to lead. Though his lessons are tuned for entrepreneurs, they can easily apply to anyone who leads, whether a team, a department, or an entire company.

Key lessons to highlight include:

Mistakes are inevitable. Admit, fix, and forget them. One of the great frustrations as an executive coach is to work with someone that tries to be so perfect that they won't make a mistake. Clearly that's impossible. We regularly work with our kids on this: when you make a mistake, admit it. Fix it. Then get past it. Learn from them, for sure, but you can't obsess over them or you will not lead.

It's about winning, not being right. In our e-learning workshop, we talk about the difference between positions and interests. Too often people get wrapped up into their positions, having to be "right." I like how Tullman states "It's about winning, not being right."

Tell a simple story: who are we, where are we going, and why. I find many aspiring leaders who are "how" people: they want to cut to the To-Do's and tasks right away, without first figuring out the "what". In our customized leadership workshops we coach leaders to first answer "Where?", "Why?" and "What?". Once leaders answer those questions, then you can get to the "How?", "Who?" and "When?".

Keep raising the bar. Keep getting better. Celebrate successes but don't get complacent.

Don't wait until it's perfect. Start with what you have.

Look for people who want to build a career, not just a job. Presenteeism (employees who are at the worksite regularly, but for a variety of reasons, are not producing as they should) reportedly accounts for 80% of lost productivity. One of my biggest staffing fears is not those who leave, but those who have left but are still with us.

Surround yourself with people who are different from you. It took me too many years to figure this one out. Now I cherish the principle, which helps me from driving over a cliff in business.

Having to fire people comes with the job. It can be done respectfully, but if your desire is to be popular, it will get in your way.

Part of a leader's job is to be an absorber of uncertainty and anxiety. Things can be ambiguous, but as a leader, we must continue telling the story, keeping people focused on the vision and direction. If we are freaking out when things get tough, it will simply spread the anxiety and be a distraction.

In my book "Navigating the Winds of Change: Staying on Course in Business and in Life", I talk about the concept of keeping your eyes on the horizon when the wind and waves are raging. It's not only good advice for sailors: it works for leaders as well.

I commend Mr. Tullman's video for your viewing pleasure and personal development.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


I recently flew to Hollywood and filmed a small walk-on appearance in an episode of 24 which will appear in a couple of months. It was a fabulous adventure - I can't really tell you anything else - or I'd have to have you killed. But, needless to say, the excitement and craziness of this hot series continues full-speed ahead. A few shots cleared by the censors appear below. (YES, since I was working in the CTU, they made me wear a tie.)


Important article (and a COVER) for Collection Artist Robert Jackson in January issue of American Art Collector reproduced below.

New Art from Hespe Gallery in San Francisco

New Painting from Hespe Gallery in San Francisco by:



Kevin Moore was featured in the February, 2006 issue of the American Art Collector. The painting "Hero" was illustrated in that article. The article appears below:

Thursday, February 15, 2007

New Art from g2 Gallery in Scottsdale, Arizona

New Art by


"Friday Nights"

"Listen to the Night Move"

"Punk Rocker"

Artist Statement:

Writing has always been a struggle for me. I would sit down and attempt to write stories, only to find that it was much harder than painting. I assumed that if I spent the same time on my writing as I did with my painting, I would be able to develop my writing into something that would be bearable. Well that never happened, and I always felt guilty about taking time away from my painting. I finally arrived at a compromise of combining imagery with text. The images act as a spring board in developing a story. From a distance, the miniature text appears as lines in the background. However, as you approach the painting and realize that what you thought were lines are actually words, you are drawn in and the painting takes on a certain intimate quality. The text ultimately becomes part of the aesthetic quality of the painting.

New Art by


"Be Prepared"

American Art Collector Article

Friday, February 09, 2007

AROUND THE BLOCK Article - Block Museum at Northwestern University

Pictures from the Exhibition at the Block

Pieces Donated to the Block Museum

Marianne Boers

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