Design in the Moment: Episode 34 Guest: Howard Tullman, President/CEO of Flashpoint Academy.
Howard is an education and information technology entrepreneur. While he was President of Kendall College, Howard moved the college from Evanston to downtown, raised $60 million, and moved the entire school into a state-of-the-art facility which can accommodate thousands of students. He has also been CEO of an internet design company (worlwide xceed group), an internet music company (tunes.com) and a computer games company (imagination pilots).
Howard is currently leading Flashpoint Academy, a new 2 year digital media college in the Loop. Flashpoint teaches filmmaking/broadcast, computer game development, recording arts, and visual effects/animation.
PODCAST LINK: http://designinthemoment.com/?powerpress_pinw=316-podcast
Listen as we talk to him about his experiences as well as:
The AP Moller School, School Funding Cut, Art High School in Philly, Art School Moved Out of DC,