Show Runs: November 7th through November 30th
Gallery Crawl Opening Reception: Saturday, November 7th 6-9pm
Location: Davis Art Advisory/ THE SHOWROOM 75 Arcade, Nashville Tennessee
THE SHOWROOM is proud to introduce recent oil paintings by Nashville based Jeremy Hughes. SEXY BEASTS is a seductive and haunting exhibition of medium to large scale oil paintings saturated with symbolism, uneasiness, uncanny beauty and wit. The exhibition examines the ways in which we both digest and ignore imagery projected onto our collective cultural experience.
Hughes deconstructs popular icons and executes his paintings using references to art history and pop design. His images, pulled from the internet, popular films and other media sources, are intentionally artificial. The paintings initially stir up uneasiness, precipitating change and inspiring the viewer to engage in a dialogue that explores the experience of our temporary continuity.
Hughes' raw painterly hand and carefully chosen palettes and compositions are highly engaging and have captured the attention of collectors nationally. Following his completion of an MFA in painting and drawing from the University of Georgia in 2006, Jeremy accepted appointment as Assistant Professor of Painting and Painting Coordinator at SUNY Oswego in New York. The artist has exhibited widely in the Southeast, and currently lives and works in Nashville, TN.