Monday, July 08, 2024

Just a few things Project 2025 will do TO, NOT FOR America!

Just a few things Project 2025 will do TO, NOT FOR America!

Eliminate the Department of Education
Use public funds to pay for private religious schools
Encourage Christian indoctrination through public schools
Dismantle Civil Rights & DEl protections in all levels of government
Eliminate no fault divorce
Total ban on abortions regardless of viability or health of the mother
Ban all contraceptives
Ban African American and Gender studies in all levels of education
Tax cuts for major corporations and 1% while increasing taxes on the rest Eliminating unions and all worker protections
Eliminating all climate protections
Encourages artic drilling since the ice caps are melting
Eliminating regulations of big business and oil
Raise retirement age
Eliminate social security for the elderly and disabled
Promotes capital punishment and the speedy "finality" of such sentences.
Condemns single-mothers while encouraging a "tradition family"
Only recognize "tradition families" by overturning Obergefell v. Hodges in attempts to eliminate the LGBTQIA community
Dismantling the FBI and Homeland Security
Use of military to break up protests
Eliminating Head Start, and the free / discounted school lunch program Banning books and curriculum regarding slavery
Forcing immigrants to be deported or held in "camps" and ends birthright citizenship
Banning Muslims from entering the country Dismantles the FDA, EPA, NOAA, and more.
Pack the Supreme Court with extreme far-right judges. The Heritage Foundation is responsible for Comev-Barrett. Kavanaugh and Gorsuch

This is Project 2025 - No one will be safe!

Unrestricted Executive Power
Build Immigration Internment Camps
Replace 50k Civil Servants with Loyalists
Revoke Birthright Citizenship
Invoking The Insurrection Act of 1807
Dismantle Environmental Regulations
Prosecute Political Opposition
Deny The Existence of Climate Change
Abortion Surveillance
Prioritize Drilling More Fossil Fuel
Ban Abortion Pills
Eliminate the Department of Education
Prohibits The Mailing of Abortion Pills
End Student Loan Forgiveness Program
Abolish Same Sex Marriage
Taxpayer Money To Religious School
Forbid Gay Couples From Adoption
Destroy Unions and Collective Bargaining
Ban Transgender Healthcare
Remove Overtime Protection Laws
Repeal LGBT Anti Discrimination Laws
Gut Benefits For Millions of Workers
Ban Pornography and Queer Media
Repeal The Affordable Care Act
Mass Deportation of Immigrants
Full Privatization Of Medicare
Restrict Legal Immigration to The USA
Drop Coverage For Millions Under Medicaid

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