Saturday, July 02, 2022

Paul Vallas is Right Now - Lightweight is Disgusting and Useless

 My thoughts and prayers are with the Officer who was shot in the line of duty and to his family. It’s bad enough that officers are working exhausting and demoralizing schedules that punish their families, having to often go weeks without days off and their shifts often extended to 12 hours on a moments notice. But to have to work in an environment in which officers are increasingly targets is simply unacceptable!  

It’s most appalling that the Mayor would turn the shooting of yet another police officer into a COVID-related domestic violence incident, which she characterized as a health care problem. Is she oblivious to the fact that there has been a 400% increase in police being shot at since 2019 when she took office or that at least 26 Officers have been shot at already this year? Is it lost on her that an increasing number of Officers are in fact being ambushed?

Any chance the increased attacks on officers might be because of the anti-police rhetoric, the failure to call out those who demonize the police, the punishing of proactive policing, and the constant excuses made for the violence in our city? When will a clear and unequivocal message backed up by action going to be sent that it is not OK to shoot at, punch, kick or like the infamous foot chase video, even trip an officer without the severest consequences. 

It seems Lightfoot is more content downplaying the severity of police shootings by highlighting domestic violence issues of the shooter and COVID (still). How demeaning to our men and women in blue.

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