Friday, September 28, 2018
Kaplan Institute Exec Director Howard Tullman peaks at EuroFinance Conference in Geneva
How to survive the future? Adapt or die
serial entrepreneur, educator and technology futurist Dr.
Howard A. Tullman this week at the EuroFinance International Treasury
Management conference in Geneva.
Every industry will need to dramatically change the
ways in which they deliver their products and services if they expect to remain
competitive in the future. Financial institutions, in particular, need to
understand and appreciate that they are being faced with new types of
competitors emerging and entering from many adjacent markets and industries.
Amazon and Starbucks are already “banks” in many respects and not merely
Loyalty, locked-in customers, substantial barriers to
entry, and significant switching costs are all relics of the past which no
longer afford traditional businesses which are unwilling or unable to rapidly
adapt their business models and respond to shifting markets and customer
demands any meaningful protection from new entrants and disruptive
technologies. No one owns the customer any longer; you have an opportunity to
own the moment and to create a compelling experience and you need to deliver on
your promises each and every time. Customer expectations are perpetually progressive
– it’s a “what have you done for me lately world?”. Yesterday’s miracles are
today’s “so whats”.
Everything now is about speed, ready and ubiquitous
access, and consumer convenience. Eliminating transaction friction, improving
availability – “whenever and wherever the customers may be” – and providing a
seamless experience from start to finish is the name of the game in a world
where time is our scarcest resource and where you aren’t merely competing with
your peers – you’re competing with whatever was the last and best experience
your customers have recently had - and you need to measure up or they will
quickly move on.
Attention is the newest currency and competing to
reach and capture consumers’ fleeting attention is an everyday, all day process
which is constantly growing more difficult because of the volume of noise,
clutter and other media which makes it harder and harder (as well as more
costly) to properly and consistently reach and engage your current customers
and your prospects as well. The key to improving margins is to initially focus
on deepening the existing connections you have with your current customers
rather than engaging in expensive and largely unproductive conquest marketing
in vain attempts to acquire new clients.
In addition, the rate of change (driven both by data
availability and technology advances) continues to accelerate and the need to
continually up your game is critical because in the “right now” economy, no one
wants to wait for anything. You need to be there when the buyer is ready to buy
or someone else will quickly take your place. Patience is also a thing of the
past. Consumers want their needs and desires met immediately and they want
things their way. Mass customization – being all things to each person – is now
not only feasible, but also doable in a cost-effective manner due to technology and it’s increasingly becoming a competitive
The best businesses today aren’t looking backwards at
where they’ve been; they’re focused on the future and on the need to use the
new data-driven tools which permit them to anticipate and exceed the needs of their
customers in order to keep raising the bar. Getting ahead of the clients
requirements and helping to guide and manage their expectations is crucial to customer retention
and differentiation – especially when so many new automated and low cost
alternatives are being presented to customers who frankly may not really be able to tell the
difference between offerings.
The bottom line for every CEO and CFO to take into the boardroom: make it fast,
make it easy, and show me why it makes dollars and sense for me, or I’ll find
someone else who can.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
New INC Magazine Blog Post by Kaplan Institute Exec Director Howard Tullman
Avoid the
Perils of Overpromising
Given the power of technology to radically change the
way businesses operate, companies have a tendency to overwhelm customers with
solutions they're not yet sure they need. So, consider backing off a bit on
what you offer. Don't confuse them while you're trying to convince them.
Executive director, Ed Kaplan Family Institute for Innovation
and Tech Entrepreneurship, Illinois Institute of Technology
always come with the peril of non-performance. It's a bad plan in life as well
as business to promise more than you can deliver. If you expect people to
believe your promises tomorrow, it helps a great deal if you kept them
yesterday. This probably sounds like old news to most of you since we've all
been lectured from birth by our parents, teachers and preachers about the
necessity and difficulty of always trying to live up to your commitments.
this is how life works. I certainly support the basic concept and
agree that it makes all the sense in the world, but the difference today is
that technological advances have radically changed the nature of the
conversation. The problem now isn't so much about arrogance or baseless
bragging as it is about how and when to deal realistically and effectively with
the truth. Because the truth today is a lot stranger in some ways than the
fiction of yesterday.
the powerful technologies we now have at our disposal and the actual and
concrete results that new businesses can deliver, there's a somewhat novel
sales problem that I'm seeing. Too many startups are so excited about the
powerful possibilities and the real wonders their solutions can work that, in
their eagerness and enthusiasm, they're losing sight of who they're selling to,
and what kinds of solutions those buyers are looking for.
the old days, we used to say that the main difference between a car salesman
and a computer salesman was that the car guy knew he was lying to you whereas
the computer guy was just deluded. Today, telling your prospects and customers
too much about what your products and services can do is more likely to confuse
them than to convince them.
of offering simple initial implementations and step-by-step measured solutions
--basically addressing and resolving the lowest and most obvious hanging fruit
first-- what I'm seeing and hearing too often in these kinds of conversations
are broad claims and bold statements. "Our software can do anything
- just tell us what you need." Even if that were true, which in some cases
is almost certainly the case, it absolutely doesn't matter to the buyers.
And, worse yet, it's totally off-putting because it shifts the onus of
specifying the problems that need to be solved on to the buyers. Here's
the issue: they may know what end results they need (cost economies,
productivity enhancements, etc.), but they likely have no real idea of what
your products can do or how your solutions would be introduced and incorporated
into their specific operations. So, their natural reaction is to take two steps
backwards rather than buying your pitch.
why it makes so much sense to start by sandbagging a little bit instead of
bragging. Under promise and then over deliver. Let me give you a real life and
slightly sneaky example that you'll be seeing practically every night on TV -
if you ever watch TV. I say "sneaky" because this is a situation
dictated mainly by marketing considerations, but it might also be to get around
certain regulatory requirements about diet claims. If you watch the latest ads
for several of the wonder drugs (no names please) -- after they make all the
over-the-top basic benefit claims and after they list the 4 million side
effects - you'll hear a little announcer aside that goes like this: "and
you might just lose a little weight too." No promises. No guarantees. But,
as good Samaritans, we thought you just might want to know. Right. That's under
promising to a "T."
in your own business and sales approach, you need to be thinking the same way
when you present your new products and services. Tone it down - don't go for
the gold from the get-go. Prove your product a little bit at a time. "New" is a nasty word to
millions of procurement officers, buyers and other decision makers.
"Novel" and "innovative" are right up there as well. Change
is always hard to implement, but when it represents new costs, retraining and
upskilling commitments, the risks of errors and mistakes, etc., it's an even
harder sale. And it's no easier when the impact and the benefits aren't
immediately demonstrable.
the real world, no one is looking for a miracle. They want risk-free,
middle-of-the-road, mundane improvements that might save their companies some
money, but will certainly save their jobs. They want immediate solutions, not
ultimate salvation. This is in part because they're not sure that they'll even
be around for the big, long-awaited payoff. So, you need to plan, sell, and act
if you can eventually move the moon, start with something that you can get done
by next Monday.
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
How Apple
Plays the Price Game
The XS is the season's gotta-have gadget. Except that
you really don't need it. The company is brilliant at adding features without
much function and charging a premium for them. In other words, this is a
sucker's game.
Executive director, Ed Kaplan Family Institute for Innovation
and Tech Entrepreneurship, Illinois Institute of Technology
came early this year, which is not very good news for the toy makers, whose
businesses and sales are still pretty much in the toilet across the board. And
here's the thing: the toymakers can blame technology all they want and complain
about all the kids with their noses glued to the screens. But they're pointing
to the wrong part of the problem. It's not that the kids aren't excited about
getting a pile of new presents; it's that their parents are much more concerned
with buying the new and very expensive "tech toys" for themselves.
Let the kids wait until December; the starting gun for their parents' shopping
sprees is the annual Apple announcement of the latest and greatest new phones
and watches. And this year's race is on.
again, Apple is leading the charge toward the inevitable cliff's edge in a
breathtaking game of "consumer chicken" that would scare even Evel
Knievel if he were still around. Just how high can these prices go for no good
reason? Apparently, at least for the moment, there's no end in sight. This
reminds me of the early days of the Intel Pentium chips when new chips kept
rolling out even though the alleged incremental benefits in speed and
processing power weren't apparent to most humans--at least none that I knew. Of
course, that didn't keep the geeks (and anyone not on a budget) from upgrading
to the newest versions-- see it, need it -- or not. In fact, this dependable
and consistent buyer response (a market-driven version of the Moore's law
belief that things just keep getting better and more powerful) set the behavior
curve for the tech industry and its customers for years thereafter. Honestly,
things aren't that much different even today.
Mom and
Dad don't care about cornering the market for Bobby or Betty on this year's
Beanie Babies. They'd rather brag to their neighbors and their carpool cronies
about their new giant iPhone XS MAX with a new Series 4 Apple Watch on the
side. Apple can try all they want to call this monster the "X-S", but
what leaps immediately into your head is "EXCESS" and that says it
all. Big dollars, big size, wretched excess at its finest. However, knowing
that this gotta-have behavior makes no economic sense and keeping yourself from
falling once again into Cupertino's clutches are two radically different
In the
old days, we used to complain about planned obsolescence in the auto industry;
then we witnessed the same thing in the mobile phone world when our phones'
performance suspiciously degraded right before new devices rolled out.
Apple has also mastered the art of foolish functionality. The Watch is already
approaching a level of complexity (like any other over-engineered product)
where most of the embedded functions are unknown to most mortals and basically
unusable by the vast majority of the users. The additional 8 or 9 features that
are displayed on the face of the new Watch are called
"complications." A complication is a traditional watchmaker's term
for an added feature, but in this case it's more like unintended irony. And the
beat goes on. We're buying into the new stories against our better judgment and
even when we know that the things are no great shakes and not really doing the
jobs that we need done.
the really sad thing - particularly about the Watch with all its new bells and
whistles - is that the battery life still basically sucks. How about fixing
what's not working every once in a while instead of adding more battery-sucking
functions that no one asked for. What good is a tracking device of any kind
(especially one that's increasingly positioned as a medical management tool) if
you can't count on it to last the whole business day and when you have to take
the thing off every night and recharge it? Makes it a little bit challenging to
measure your sleeping behavior if your Watch is sleeping beside you on the bed
stand. I wrote about this angst a while
ago and things haven't changed a bit. If your tracker isn't tracking,
what's the whole point?
line: No matter how much steak sauce you put on a hot dog, it's still a wiener.
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Technori Takes Equity Investment to Launch Technori Co-op
Technori Takes Equity
Investment to Launch Technori Co-op, a Non-Traditional Startup Incubator
Focused on Disrupting how Startups are Launched and Funded
DV Partners, led by SMS Assist
Founder and Chairman Mike Rothman, today announced a seven figure investment in
Chicago's largest and most active startup platform, Technori. The funds will be
used to expand its successful podcast show and event series, and to launch
Technori Co-op, an entirely new startup incubator and investment platform.
is more important to the growth and health of a startup community than the
people who work tirelessly to identify, connect and positively promote the key
DV Partners, led by SMS Assist Founder
and Chairman Mike Rothman, today announced a seven figure investment in
Chicago's largest and most active startup platform, Technori.
The funds will be used to expand its successful podcast show and event series,
and to launch Technori Co-op, an entirely new startup incubator and investment
Technori helps startups gain traction by
engaging with thousands of would-be investors, customers, and commercial
partners such as, MB Real Estate, Bank of America, and
Salesforce, through highly curated events and media. The Startup Showcase is one of the largest quarterly
tech events in the U.S, and the first ever to allow attendees to invest
directly in the presenting startups, via an exclusive partnership with Title
III equity crowdfunding platform, Republic. Technori is also the creator of Chicago's most
popular tech podcast and live radio show, hosted by its CEO Scott Kitun
on WGN Radio.
To date, Technori has helped hundreds of
companies raise more than $1 billion in venture capital and connect with
thousands of first employees and customers by featuring founders on-stage at
Showcase events, and in-studio at WGN Radio.
"Nothing is more important
to the growth and health of a startup community than the people who work
tirelessly to identify, connect and positively promote the key players,"
former 1871 CEO
and current Illinois Tech Kaplan Institute Executive
Director Howard Tullman said. "Scott has been one of the most important,
consistent and valuable contributors to the tech scene in more ways and for
more years than he's willing to admit and it's a big part of Chicago's
Rothman's investment in Technori is
about accelerating and supporting Technori's mission of building the largest
and most diverse tech community in the world, but it's also about helping
startups gain access to strategic capital and connections - something Rothman
has plenty of experience with.
As former CEO of SMS Assist, Mike
Rothman raised several
hundred million dollars for the company - at over a billion
dollar valuation - from the likes of Goldman Sachs and Chicago-based Pritzker
Group, among others.
"Technori has done an incredible
job of providing founders like myself with exposure. But, there's a huge
opportunity to make an even bigger impact on the startup community,"
Rothman said. "That's why I've partnered with Scott to extend the Technori
services model to introduce the most innovative early stage incubation tool,
called Technori Co-op."
Technori Co-op is an investment model
that provides early-stage companies access to capital, board support and
strategic advisory while enabling the founders to own a stake in the portfolio.
"We work to democratize how
startups are launched and funded by allowing founders to use our exposure to
equity crowdfund," says Technori CEO Scott Kitun. "The Co-op takes
the best of those founders and gives them access to some of the most successful
entrepreneurs and investors our tech community has to offer."
Initial Co-op advisors include, Lightbank Managing
Partner Vic Pascucci, Blue1647 founder Emile Cambry, and Fanatics VP
of Engineering Nate Lyman, among other influential tech leaders.
"Scott and Mike are visionaries.
How this democratizes the startup process is incredible and I'm excited to be a
part of it," said Pascucci.
"DV Partners has already made
significant investments in tech startups, such as Dumbstruck, Residential Homes Group (RHG),
and Theron Technology Solutions(TTS). And I'm
sure whether we invest through DVP or launch a Technori Fund; we plan to deploy
a lot more capital into disruptive technology companies," said Rothman.
"But, speaking as a founder, the most valuable commodity is information -
and we plan to use that to grow the value of our Co-op companies
TTS builds enterprise technology
solutions that identify and improve operational efficiencies; founded by former
SMS Assist Chief Product Officer Alex Rothman, Theron will also be
participating in the Technori Co-op to provide portfolio companies with tech
"I learned very early on at SMS,
it's not how fast you can build something, but how accurately you align it with
a Go-To-Market strategy," said Alex Rothman. "Theron is here to share
our industry expertise and offer founders what they'll need to build at
According to Kitun, "this
investment not only enables us to enter new markets and introduce the Technori
Co-op, but also significantly grow our team, and develop the technology
necessary to better reach our growing target audience."
For more information about applying for
Technori Co-op, visit, or follow and message directly
through Facebook.
Technori will now host its premier
Startup Showcase events quarterly, with monthly lunch and learn workshops and
founder's dinners - with an eye on expanding into new markets with pop-up
events in 2019.
Clean tech hub takes shape on Chicago’s South Side
Clean tech hub takes shape on Chicago’s South Side
Construction is underway on a plan to turn Chicago’s Bronzeville
neighborhood into a ‘smart-tech innovation district.’
years after an ambitious clean energy campaign was announced for a South Side
Chicago neighborhood, construction is moving forward on a clustered microgrid,
a solar energy project at an affordable housing complex and a university-led
clean tech center.
2016, the nonprofit Community Development Partnership announced acampaign to
turn the Bronzeville neighborhood into a sustainable destination hub. The aim
is to boost tourism and develop local black-owned businesses by partnering
with ComEd, Illinois Institute of Technology, and other clean energy
microgrid, which faced criticism over
costs from the Illinois attorney general, will help form the first utility-scale
clustered microgrid in the country with help from the Illinois Institute of
Technology. A sun-tracking “smartflower” at the Renaissance Collaborative, an
affordable housing center in Bronzeville, is awaiting an
installation permit.
the Community
Development Partnership is providing input
on redevelopment plans at the old lakefront site of Michael Reese
Hospital, a decade-long project expected to
create 24,000 jobs and generate more than $520 million in property taxes and
$164 million in sales taxes. The site in Bronzeville is being repurposed as a
transportation logistics center with potential commercial tech space.
Paula Robinson, who leads the Community Development Partnership, the work of
turning Bronzeville into a center of clean energy technology is all about
building on the rich history of the neighborhood.
this point, we have all these components and pieces coming together,” Robinson
said. “We have stepped out to show that Bronzeville will be Chicago’s
smart-tech innovation district.”
sees her work in clean energy as building on the legacy of the neighborhood.
“We are
definitely on this journey together,” she said of the community. “We’ve been
talking about the neighborhood as a black metropolis, a National Heritage
much of the 20th Century, Bronzeville was a center of African American
culture and business in Chicago during an era when redlining and other
government policies kept black residents from accessing all neighborhoods.
At a
recent event updating the community on the campaign, Howard Tullman, director of IIT’s
new innovation institute, shared a vision for the
Kaplan Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, a facility that will be
completed this fall and will be the site of classes, workshops, and
collaborations between technology professionals, students, and faculty.
“We are
the only tech-centric university in the city, and we are really in the heart of
the city,” Tullman said. “Building this project here was really important
because we are going to be training people for careers that don’t exist yet,
using technology that we will invent here. It will address problems that we
think we understand, but also problems that we don’t yet know.”
Microgrid moves forward
ComEd, the Bronzeville project is partly about leveraging smart grid
infrastructure that has been built throughout the region since 2012. ComEd
president and chief operating officer Terence Donnelly wrote last month that
Bronzeville has undergone “one of the most robust grid modernizations programs
in the nation.”
added ComEd is “intent on building upon the strength of the stronger, more
flexible smart grid platform that has dramatically enhanced reliability and
customer satisfaction.”
In late
June, the utility broke ground and began laying conduit that will eventually
connect the microgrid to the ComEd system. The Illinois Commerce Commission
approved the $25 million project in February following criticism from the
Illinois Attorney General’s Office that it was too costly for ratepayers.
and clean energy groups argued the microgrid is an important, real-world look
into the benefits integrating two microgrids. The utility developed a custom
software so its new microgrid will be able to communicate with the existing
microgrid at IIT. The goal is to optimize the use of clean energy resources in
Bronzeville, while improving efficiency and resiliency.
emergencies and outages, clustering the microgrids will help to identify the
critical load, according to Mohammad Shahidehpour, a chairman in the Electrical
and Computer Engineering Department of IIT.
clustering, we can island the microgrid on the campus,” he said. “By islanding
it, we are in charge of our destiny. We can find out what is critical and can
keep it on.”
New INC Magazine Post: How Rahm Emanuel Made Chicago Thrive
How Rahm
Emanuel Made Chicago Thrive
The best big-city mayor in the country shocked the
Windy City by announcing that he won't run for a third term. The business
community is losing a gamechanger.
Executive director, Ed Kaplan Family Institute for Innovation
and Tech Entrepreneurship, Illinois Institute of Technology
Last week Chicago lost
a great mayor as well as the most aggressive spokesman ever for
the city's tech and entrepreneurial community when Rahm Emanuel-- the best
big city mayor in the country, bar none--announced that he would not run for a
third term. Good news for him and his family and really hard news for the
city. Family first. Period.
In his brief
announcement, and in the comments and interviews that followed, he offered some
important lessons for us, and especially for the pack of losers who
had already lined up to run against him. If it wasn't so sad for Chicago,
it would be comical watching these one-issue, nichy little nobodies gripe,
posture and position themselves as hopefuls and aspirants to a position many
miles beyond their abilities. Imagine seeing a group of 10thgrade Pony league pitchers trying to throw shade at one of the
MLB pros. If you want to beat Babe Ruth, play him in golf, not baseball.
How painfully easy it
is for the challengers to complain and criticize from the sidelines. I
call these people solution-less soreheads. And considering that most of them
are presently gainfully unemployed, I'm reminded of the old
crew expression that the only one in the boat who has the time to complain is
the one who isn't rowing hard enough. I'd feel sorry for most of them because
of how sadly deluded they are, but their rank arrogance in thinking that even
for a moment any one of them is up to the task makes it hard to sympathize with
their stupidity.
The media mavens and
the other scriveners realized (grudgingly admitted, is a better way to put it)
that a tremendous amount of important work got done in the last seven years and
that most of it wouldn't have been accomplished without the pushing, prodding,
pleading and insistence of the mayor. Substantial improvements in affordable
housing, expanded access to public transportation, and the conversion of the
Chicago river from a sewer to the spectacular Riverwalk are just a few of the
initiatives that will serve the city well long after his departure.
Sometimes a song says
it all and no one ever summed up this sad situation better than Joni Mitchell
in "Big Yellow Taxi" with the line: Don't it always seem to
go that you don't know what you've got til it's gone. People who are
even a little bit in the know know exactly how devastating a blow Rahm's
departure is to the progress of any number of ongoing projects and business
opportunities. This announcement may be the end of any number of new
prospective investments in the city unless someone with real credentials and
serious skills steps quickly into the breach and offers some serious prospect
of stability and continuity. No one likes uncertainty and change less than
long-term investors and institutions.
But, one of the
succession difficulties is likely to be that the most qualified new potential
entrants have, at best, a complex relationship and a mixed history with
Emanuel. His own entry into office was aided immeasurably by a warm handoff
from the departing Mayor Richard M. Daley. Of course, that hearty handshake was
accompanied by a bucket full of hot messes which Rahm spent years trying to
straighten out, with substantial success. No other mayor ever endeavored--much
less succeeded, in large measure-- in cleaning up Chicago's decades of
mismanaged and underfunded pension plans for police, firefighters and teachers.
No other mayor grew the city's tech sector by tens of thousands of jobs year
after year and made Chicago the nation's leader-- five years running-- for
corporate headquarters relocations. And no other mayor expanded the
public-school day and school year so that by graduation, Chicago public school
students will have spent more than two additional years in class than when
Emanuel arrived on the scene.
No one expects a
similar amount of support from the 5th floor of City Hall this time around for
virtually any of the major undeclared candidates, at least at this point. Of
course, politics makes for strange bed-fellows, so I guess we will just see
what happens. But, apart from the politics and the befuddled state of the city
at the moment, there's a very important lesson for prospective entrepreneurs as
well in Rahm's parting comments.
Being the boss means
doing it ALL. Every day. All day. You don't get to pick and choose the fun
parts. You don't get to delegate the hard conversations or the ultimate
responsibility. And you don't have to shoulder the disappointments when people
let you down or the hurt you feel when you suffer alongside the families and
the kids who you wish you could have only helped a little bit more.
Only a few special
people are up to jobs like this - be it mayor or CEO. A lot of folks kid
themselves into believing that this is what they want to do with their lives,
but they have no idea of how all-consuming and enervating a task it is. And
what it costs in terms of your personal life and health and the lives of your
My advice to every
aspiring entrepreneur is to be very careful what you wish for and do your
homework before you take the leap. Seven scars are just the beginning. The occasional highs
are okay, but the inevitable and continual lows are brutal.
My advice to the
clowns so far who are seeking to succeed Mayor Emanuel is to do yourself and
our city a favor and keep whatever day job you may have.
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