Friday, December 06, 2024



There are people that are complaining that some people stopped talking to them because of how they voted and they’re saying it’s wrong to cut someone off because of politics.

People keep saying don’t let politics ruin relationships. It’s not about politics and, if you believe it is, you are missing the bigger picture.

I am not upset with you for being a Republican. I’m not upset with you for having a different political view than me. I am upset, however, that racism wasn’t a deal breaker for you. That homophobia wasn’t a deal breaker for you. That sexual assault wasn’t a deal breaker for you. 34 felonies was not a deal breaker for you. But know that these are deal breakers for me.

Your vote is a reflection of you. It’s a reflection of your morality, of your beliefs, of your sensibility, of your compassion. You vote the way you did because you think it’s the best thing. And when you vote for a criminal who wants to take people’s rights away, it’s a reflection on you. Your vote revealed to the people closest to you who you really are, and they’ve decided they didn’t like it and have decided they don’t need you anymore. That was your decision as well. You chose, by your actions, to end our relationship.


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