Friday, February 14, 2025

Greg Olear


Ramble On: No Dictator in Hiding

Morning thoughts on the ominous dismissal of Eric Adams's indictment, Elon's highly visible conquest of the Oval Office, and Trump's pathetic attempt to become an artist

Greg Olear

Feb 14



Good morning, happy Valentine’s Day. Yeah, that scene in the Oval Office was kind of reminiscent of a Valentine’s Day, you know, in some like first grade class. It looked like little X there and little Donnie at his desk, maybe we’re gonna exchange cheesy Valentine’s cards while the crazy teacher rambled on. We’ll talk more about that in a second.

Again, it’s been a crazy week. I don’t even know how to process it, but a couple of things that jumped out at me this week. First of all, there’s this whole Eric Adams business—and good on Danielle Sassoon for resigning from the DOJ like her other compeers did in the wake of an illegal order. I think we need more of that. And eventually, you know, there’s only going to be horrible people and no one left to do anything. And maybe, you know, change will come. But I think when you’re in a moral bind like that, she absolutely made the right choice and, and, you know, called out the, what’s his name? Emil Bove. Where the fuck do they find these people with these crazy names? It’s really, it is like an Ian Fleming novel.

Anyway, the case at the issue was the one with Eric Adams, who’s the Mayor of New York City. Who’s clearly, clearly guilty of what he’s being charged with, which is, you know, working basically on behalf of the Turkish government. I mean, I read the indictment. There’s no question about it. And in fact, I think even his lawyers know, you know, they pretty much got him dead to rights. So they’ve ordered—Trump has the DOJ just, you know, throw away the case because I guess Trump wants Adams to help enforce some bullshit immigration thing in New York City.


…But to me, the more ominous thing is that if they can order the DOJ to stop a case for political reasons, purely political reasons, a good case, then they can also order the DOJ to start a case, a bad case, for purely political reasons. And I think that’s ultimately where this is headed now, right? I mean, you have, there are people in Congress, are political leaders, opposition leaders, I guess now we can say, who are making their voices heard. And I think the next wave of things is going to be, they’re just going to drum up shit on these people. AOC is an example. I think, I think it was DeSantis—Remember him? Remember when we were all afraid of white-boot DeSantis? God. Now he’s just down in Florida kissing Trump’s ass. Pathetic. Just so sad and pathetic. I almost feel bad for him, except it’s impossible to—well, he was like, we’re going to deport AOC. And it’s like, she’s, she’s from here, man. Deport her to where exactly?


But I think that rhetoric is going to get more dangerous. And it means something. I think it’s meaningful when it’s seen in combination with this Eric Adams business because facts don’t really matter anymore. And if they don’t know where to deport someone, they don’t have a country or a logical destination, they’re creating one. Because the traitor Marco Rubio, the disgusting traitor—Rubio, who’s just a owned vessel for these people at this point, just no self-respect at all. I mean, the guy goes to church every Sunday. Should be ashamed, you know, the holy water recoils when he walks into the church—this guy was down in El Salvador. One of the first things that Trump sent him to do was to negotiate, to build these new prisons or rather to have the U.S. prison population sent there, the excess prison population to outsource, if you will, our prison system to this, you know, not very nice country in a very hot climate, run by a dictator, which is not great. So that’s where people are going to be sent. There’s there and there’s Guantanamo Bay, which they’ve already started sending people to again, people they’re trying to deport. So right now, it’s nameless migrants that we don’t know who they are really. Later on—


I can see the path is all I’m saying. I’m not saying it’s going to happen. I’m saying I can see the path. I can see where this is headed. Hey, we’ve got Pam Bondi in charge of the DOJ. She’s just, you know, she’ll just do anything for money as we know. I don’t want to say the word that that implies because I’m pro-sex-worker, but she just will do anything for money, and whatever Trump tells her to do as is evidenced by this Eric Adams business. So yeah, they’re going to launch cases against people that are frivolous, just like Kash Patel said they were gonna do and has been saying that we’re gonna do for a long time. They’re gonna start looking into people that don’t need to be looked into. They’re gonna file charges against people that are ridiculous. People like AOC, like Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, people like that, right? People who are clear leaders of the resistance, such as it is. And if these things move along, that’s where they’ll send them.

I mean, again, I don’t know that we’re gonna get that far. I hope we don’t, but that’s the path, okay?

And even that is secondary to where Elon Musk, dictator in hiding, I suppose, wants us all to wind up, which is, guess, in concentration camps on Mars, you know? Because somebody’s gotta go up there and build the thing, right? And it ain’t gonna be him. It’s not gonna be little X up there on Mars digging in the rocks. I’m not saying any of that makes sense. I’m just saying that’s what he wants, this Musk guy. So that’s also very dangerous and very scary, obviously.

And then, you know, the big thing—and I know a lot of people have talked about this. Lawrence O’Donnell did a great segment on it the other night when Elon and his little nosepicker were in the Oval Office. I can’t, I’m still struggling to process what we saw. Now I hate Trump with the fire of a thousand suns, as you know, and I hate Elon more. And this has been true now for a while. So I, I don’t like these feelings that these guys generate in me, but it was hard not to feel some twinge of sympathy for Donald sitting there next to this four year old, looking like maybe they were in the same preschool, you know, the same like preschool for people that need extra help, extra attention. And there they are.

And they’re just sitting there, you know, the kid is the only one in there that seems animated. Trump looks completely out of it. And yeah, behind the resolute desk. Absolutely. He’s sitting behind the Resolute Desk, but he’s sitting on the cuck chair. That’s what’s happening with him. He’s clearly not in control.

And Elon, wearing a fucking baseball hat. Like, I didn’t even wear a baseball hat for this video. You know, I have one right here. I was like, I should just not have a hat on. He’s in the oval office with a fucking hat and this ridiculous coat. And he, he looks like a, I don’t know, like he’s in some terrible cover band of Metallica or something. And, you know, he’s there rambling on about this or that, high as fuck on ketamine, and everyone’s just watching them like, and the little kid is, you know, saying to the president, you need to leave, you need to shush, get out of here you’re not the real president, whatever he said, which he clearly got from Musk himself. If you go back and watch the interview that Musk gave with Tucker where that little brat was in there too.

I don’t like, I don’t want to show the kid, I know he’s four, he can’t help it, but like, We can talk about him. From what I understand, this is, you know, he stole Grimes’s egg and the kid, I don’t know. He’s named after like a VIN number of a Cybertruck. And he, from every video I’ve seen of him looks like pure evil. Again, he’s four, I don’t want to bash the kid, but that’s my perception, and I’m sure it’s everyone else’s too. And to have that kid in the Oval Office at that moment, while [Musk is] saying these things that could be of great import to all of us in the country.

I mean, people are starving around the world now because of the USAID cuts that Musk’s, know, teenagers did. These incel horrible weirdos, Big Balls and whatever. And he’s just there desecrating the Oval Office. mean, the little brat is literally picking his nose and rubbing it on the Resolute Desk while Trump watches and doesn’t do anything about it.

What’s interesting to me about that is that, you know, usually when there’s some like puppet guy behind the scenes, some behind-the-curtain guy, some éminence grise, they kind of, you know, it’s called an éminence grise because they’re in the shadows. It’s the gray eminence. They stay off the beaten path. They stay hidden. You know, like Leonard Leo doesn’t want people really to know who he is and how much power he has. Elon’s like, “Here I am!” By announcing himself so publicly, so soon, so disrespectfully to, you know, fuck Trump, but like disrespectfully to the Presidency, to the Oval Office, to the White House, to all of us here in the United States. It would be less bad if Musk had just pulled down his pants and taken a dump right on the desk, in my opinion, than what he did. So he’s there right out in the open.


And it reminds me of, you know, like in Black Panther, where Killmonger just comes in and just starts doing all the shit, right? Because they’ve given Killmonger power and they shouldn’t have, but they did. And now he’s just going to get all the power and, God, how are we getting rid of this guy now? And I don’t know what the answer is. I mean, I do know, you know, this is going to continue until Musk goes to the great Cybertruck factory in the sky. And by that, I mean Mars. I mean, you know, get in the rocket, go to Mars. That’s all I mean by that.

So I don’t know where this is headed, but we’re only like—we’re not even a month into this, and we have three years and 11 months left. I’m doing the math right? That’s a long time. This idea that there’s going to be fair elections in two years seems increasingly preposterous to me. You know, I’m sure we’ll have elections. I don’t know that I’ll trust the elections. I didn’t trust the last one.

So I don’t know where this is going, but I can see the path now to them really, putting the boot down and taking us all to the woodshed. They’ve already basically started to blow up the press. The press has already been captured as we’ve seen. Even before he took office, the press was being captured. Now Trump is throwing the Associated Press out because they don’t refer to the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America— because that’s in so many stories, it’s so important. But it’s just an excuse to rough up the press. The Associated Press is a not-for-profit news cooperative owned by all the daily newspapers in United States and some of the broadcast centers as well. So the AP basically is equivalent to all of the newspapers. So picking on them is especially important and especially significant. So they’re already doing that.


RFK is going to probably kill us all by taking over, you know, Health and Human Services. Tulsi is already funneling secrets, I’m sure, to—whatever secrets Trump hasn’t already given—to the Kremlin, you know, she’s going to give the rest over to the Kremlin. Um, you know, this is all really bad and, uh, and it’s just started and now they’re trying to take away, you know, these agencies that are helpful.

USAID is helpful to people in the United States and to people abroad. Uh, this Consumer Protection Bureau is, you know, they’ve gutted it now. What are you going to do when some predatory credit card company tries to rip you off. I don’t know. And it’s really, it’s just a matter of time before they come for the Medicaid and the Medicare and the Social Security because Elon Musk wants that too. And that’s all that it is. This is a heist. It’s a coup, but it’s also a heist. Like I said, on Blue Sky, it’s a “hei-coup,” right? The first thing Saddam Hussein did when he invaded Kuwait is he went to the central bank and he robbed it, because that’s what these people are. They’re all thieves. That’s all they are. Fascists are all thieves. And that’s all they care about is money and power, in that order. So they’re just there to take our money and they’re gonna take it in every way that they can think to take it. And when they’re done, ain’t gonna be nothing left. We are gonna be back in the McKinley era without any protections, without any rights for most Americans, without a functional justice system, you know, to help us and to save us because the, the DOJ and now the FBI, if Patel—I mean, it looks like Patel is going to get in, everybody else has, why not him?— if he takes over the FBI, then it’s just becomes a, you know, a strong arm. It’s a Gestapo, basically, for Trump, that’s all that it will be. So, that’s the future that we’re looking at.

And again, we’re only a month in. So. Not so great.

…I want to end on something sort of happy or funny anyway is Trump like trying to gut the Kennedy Center for the Arts and install himself as the president of that center. These people are all artless morons. They are artless. As my friend L.B. says, they are artless. They will never, ever have any artistic talent, any artistic ability, never write anything useful. They’ll never make any good movies. They’ll never tell any funny jokes. They’re talentless hacks, the lot of them, every one of them. And you can go through all of these right-wing idiots and almost all of them are failed artists in some way. So now the way to combat that is to take over the art center. That’s what they think. We’re gonna put Usha Vance on board of the art center. Yeah, nothing is gonna matter. You can give your Scott Baios as many awards as you want. None of that shit matters. Art is art. We all know what’s good and what’s bad and what they’re doing sucks. And that’s just how it goes, you know? So I think him taking over the Kennedy Center to me is just pure, sad, pathetic desperation. He wants to be something he’ll never be. Donald Trump is a loser, dipshit criminal from Queens. Manhattan never liked him. The world never liked him. We never will. And that’s just how it goes.


I want to remind everybody to watch The Five 8 tonight. We have a great guest on. I shouldn’t say who it is because that’s our policy, but she’s great. She’s been on before. She’s going to clear up a lot of things about what’s happening with the various constitutional crises going on in the judicial branch of government.


And I want to thank everybody for buying my book, The Age of Unreality. I want to end with a little, a little piece of history here that I quote the end of the book, about oligarchy and democracy:

It will be said, perhaps, that democracy is neither wise nor equitable, but that the holders of property are also the best fitted to rule. I say, on the contrary, first, that the word demos, or people, includes the whole state; oligarchy, only a part. Next, that if the best guardians of property are the rich and the best counselors the wise, none can hear and decide so well as the many, and that all these talents, severally and collectively, have their just place in a democracy. But an oligarchy gives the many their share of the danger, and not content with the largest part, takes and keeps the whole of the profit. And this is what the powerful and young among you aspire to, but in a great city cannot possibly entertain.

That was the Funeral Oration of Pericles from 410 BC. Thucydides. Anyway, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Again, happy Valentine’s Day, try to have a good weekend. At least we get Monday off, right? People gonna go protest at the various state capitals. So Godspeed, don’t give up, because we shall prevail.