Thursday, January 16, 2025

Republicans in my state are trying to overturn an election. Gee, who gave them that id


Republicans in my state are trying to overturn an election. Gee, who gave them that idea?

By Frank Bruni

Nothing should be shocking after Jan. 6, 2021, when an American president’s scheming to overturn the legitimate results of a fair election culminated in the bloody breaching of the Capitol. Still, I’m aghast at the audacity of what Republicans here in North Carolina are up to.

They are following in their leader’s footsteps and trying to steal an election. And if such an effort no longer seems as strange and sinister as it did before Donald Trump stormed onto the political scene and took a torch to whatever scruples still existed, that’s all the more reason to examine it closely. We need to be clear about where things stand. With an election denier about to move back into the White House and his disciples emboldened, our democracy is in danger. That’s the moral of the North Carolina story. It’s much, much bigger than this state.

The details: On Nov. 5, a seat on the North Carolina Supreme Court was up for grabs, and the first official vote count showed that Allison Riggs, one of two Democrats among the court’s seven justices, had won re-election by a slim margin. Her Republican challenger, Jefferson Griffin, demanded recounts. All in all, three separate counts gave Riggs a victory by slightly over 700 votes.

Which, in a properly functioning democracy with candidates and elected officials who put civic order and basic decency above their rapacity for power, would be the end of it. Hah. Griffin won’t concede. He continues to contest the result, which is being litigated simultaneously in state and federal courts. There won’t be any resolution for weeks.

The nature of his complaint is especially insidious. Griffin and the North Carolina Republican Party, which supports him, aren’t producing evidence of voter fraud or a botched count. They’re disputing the legitimacy of more than 60,000 ballots, principally because the registration forms of many of the voters who cast them lack either a driver’s license or Social Security number, as law requires.

But that doesn’t mean the voters did anything wrong. Some of them may have registered before that information became mandatory in 2004. Long after that point, North Carolina routinely accepted registration forms without it. It’s also possible that voters provided it but that it’s not present in the state database because of administrative error or faulty record keeping.

The bottom line is that most or all of these voters had no reason to believe there was any issue with their status or their ballots, and they aren’t being accused of malfeasance. They’re just pawns in Republicans’ last-ditch bid to reverse Griffin’s defeat however possible.

“It’s inexcusable,” Heath Clay, a Republican city councilman in Summerfield, N.C., whose ballot is among those 60,000, said in a recent article in The Times by Eduardo Medina and Michael Wines. He in fact voted for Griffin but accepts that North Carolinians “have spoken” and that Griffin lost, and he considers Griffin’s attempt to invalidate his and others’ ballots “a direct attack on the voters.”

Clay’s appearance on the list of voters whose ballots are in dispute demonstrates that Griffin and his Republican allies can’t even be certain that a new count subtracting those votes would benefit them. But many of those votes were cast with mailed ballots, and mailed ballots generally favored Riggs.

Last week, the Republican majority on the North Carolina Supreme Court blocked state election officials from certifying Riggs’s victory, thus keeping alive the possibility that Griffin could join their ranks and give them a 6-to-1 advantage over Democrats, versus the current 5-to-2. That increases the chances of Republican control of the court for many years.

Which matters not only in principle but also in practice: The court’s Republican majority has abetted Republican lawmakers’ aggressive gerrymandering of North Carolina, whose current U.S. House delegation, for example, contradicts the state’s political complexion. Although North Carolina has roughly equal numbers of registered Republicans and registered Democrats and just elected a Democratic governor, Josh Stein, by a nearly 15-point margin, it has only four Democrats among its 14 members of the House. It’s in some ways a paradigm of unrepresentative democracy.

And of Republican ruthlessness. Don’t take it from me. Take it from Andrew Dunn, a conservative who has worked as a Republican strategist and now produces a political newsletter in which he recently wrote: “I’ve spent years pushing back against the left’s tendency to go scorched earth in their rhetoric against N.C. Republicans. Everything is a ‘state of emergency,’ or ‘threat to democracy’ or ‘war’ on a beloved institution. Most of the time, it’s dishonest nonsense. Not this time.”

Dunn added that the North Carolina Supreme Court would destroy its credibility if it rewarded Griffin’s machinations.

Perhaps one of its own five Republican justices, Richard Dietz, agrees. In a dissent from his colleagues’ ruling that Griffin’s complaint should be heard, he wrote: “Permitting post-election litigation that seeks to rewrite our state’s election rules — and, as a result, remove the right to vote in an election from people who already lawfully voted under the existing rules — invites incredible mischief.”

And incredible distrust of, and disgust with, the whole system. Except “incredible” isn’t the right adjective. I’m outraged without being the least bit surprised, and I’m almost sure of this: The fight over Riggs’s court seat is less anomaly than omen.