How did a defective, ignorant, narcissist become elected by a near majority vote of the American people. I suspect there are multiple reasons. The migration from the third world to the west as people seek better jobs; the loss of middle class blue collar and office jobs as globalization and technology move those jobs to low wage countries; a rapidly changing cultural landscape and changing roles of men and women — have all been unsettling (as change always is) and push people to look for simple solutions and a single voice that says I can fix this. I also think that excesses from the left - generally described as identity politics - have caused a backlash. Bill Clinton had it right. The votes and majority control are in the middle. If we want to marginalize the fascist, maga right then move the Dems to a more moderate centrist position on the political spectrum. We can’t control all of the reasons that cause people to vote for a hideous monster (and profound asshole) like Trump or the gutless, sniveling Republican Congressmen who kiss his fat ass, but we can control some of it and we should.