Tuesday, May 31, 2016

1871 CEO Howard Tullman Appears on Tasty Trade

WATCH HERE: https://www.tastytrade.com/tt/shows/what-i-m-thinking/episodes/3-reasons-to-be-worried-about-entrepreneurship-05-31-2016

This segment is a wide-ranging discussion about current trends in business and society with a focus on recent developments in the the field of technology. You will learn something new. Howard Tullman, the CEO of 1871, the largest tech incubator in the United States, stopped by the studio to talk with Tom and Tony.
The free flowing discussion went from Memorial Day and Macy’s giant flag to how kids are now spending more on food than clothing. Howard declared that Denim was dead and that active leisurewear such as the clothes produced by Lululemon were the future. As a side note to the main discussion, it was mentioned how children need interpersonal content to learn. A TV or computer monitor just won’t do it, although should the overall experience improve enough, Howard thought that remote learning for children might be worthwhile.
The main focus of the discussion was on entrepreneurship and how it was on the decline. This had Howard concerned and Tom and Tony agreed. Everyday business creation is in retreat. For the first time in a long long time more businesses closed than were started in 2015. What new business growth there is is highly localized and cannot be easily spread elsewhere. Young people are no longer starting businesses. Partly that is because of crushing student debt and partly for other reasons. Since startups in years 2-4 provide a huge amount of new jobs in the US, this had everyone seriously concerned.
Watch this segment of “What I’m Thinking” featuring Howard Tullman, Tom Sosnoff and Tony Battista for an interesting an in-depth discussion of technology and cultural trends.