Thursday, July 27, 2023




 Robert Costa



1) Hours after polls close Nov. 3, shortly after 2 a.m. Nov. 4, Trump falsely claims he won. What was discussed in the campaign war rooms in both the Map Room and in the EEOB? What did Trump say? What pressure was put on Fox execs, DOJ officials, and political officials?


2) On Nov. 4, did Trump privately tell others he knew he had lost? Did he suggest it in any way? This is potentially a crucial point. Focus on conversations Trump had on Nov. 4, 2020. "How the hell did we lose the vote to Joe Biden?" Trump priv. asked Kellyanne Conway that day.


3) Nov. 6. Giuliani arrives at Trump campaign HQ in Arlington. Starts to claim he has countless affidavits about election fraud. What did he tell Trump's lawyers? Did he put anything into motion? Later that day, Giuliani and others in Oval. Discuss court strategy. What was said?


4) Nov 7. AP declares Biden won. Trump erupts. McConnell stays cool, doesn't want to rattle Trump. Has Cornyn priv tell Biden confidant Coons to not have Biden call McConnell. "We're in a delicate situation," Cornyn told Coons. "It won't help things if [Biden] is calling" McC.

5) Nov. 7. Hope Hicks, others meet in Arlington. Wonder if Trump will concede, if he can eventually find a way out of this. Stepien and several Trump advisers go to see Trump a bit later and he brushes off talk of conceding. Giuliani at "Four Seasons."

6) Evening of Nov. 7. Trump furious in WH mtg. Trump pressures allies and advisers to fight on, not waver. Dismisses talk of calmly working the courts, scowls at talk of conceding. What did he say? Did he articulate plans to pick up thousands of votes in various states? How so?


7) Nov. 8, 2020. Trump ramps up his plans to fight Biden's victory. Sidney Powell, Giuliani seen entering the WH together. What happened in that meeting? Nov. 9, Trump seeks tighter grip on Cabinet. Meadows calls Sec. Esper. Says he's out, not supporting Trump enough.

8) Nov. 9. Pence team on edge. Want to show solidarity with Trump. Pence tweets, "It ain't over til it's over" re: election. But priv., "Get him the hell out of D.C. the hell out of Crazytown," Pence adviser Marty Obst tells Marc Short, then Pence's chief.

9 Nov. 9. Pompeo meets privately with Milley. "The crazies are taking over," he tells the chairman. At the time, Flynn, Powell, Giuliani, Lindell gaining traction with Trump in calls, meetings. "He's in a very dark place right now," Pompeo tells Milley, speaking of Trump.

10) Nov. 10. Intel officials alarmed following Esper firing. What is Trump up to? What is going on? "We are on the way to a right-wing coup," CIA's Haspel tells Milley. Nov. 10. Hicks, Trump in Oval. "I don't care about my legacy," he tells her. "My people expect me to fight."

11) Nov. 11, seeks more influence at DOJ. Meadows floats Kash Patel becoming deputy FBI director. "Over my dead body," Barr tells him. Nov. 12. DHS CISA states election "most secure" in history. Trump erupts. Chris Krebs fired. What did Trump say? Did he pressure officials?

12) Nov. 19. Sidney and Rudy at RNC. Push false conspiracy theory of foreign influence on the U.S. election. John McEntee begins to assert himself inside admin, West Wing, pushing aides to be loyal as Trump makes wild claims. Some begin to resign, others stay.

13) Dec. 14. Electors cast ballots. A turning point. After weeks of wandering around and conspiracy theories, and losing court battles, things are grim inside the Trump WH. Many House Rs back "friend of court" brief backing TX lawsuit asking SC to block some states' counts...


14) Mid-December: Sidney Powell begins pushing Trump to issue an executive order to take control of the vote count, culminating in infamous Dec. 18, 2020 meeting featuring a large group of aides, shouting over whether Powell should be brought into WH, voting machines seized...


15) Mid-to-late December: relations between Giuliani and Powell fray. Barr dismisses idea of appointing a special counsel. Trump irate. Don't worry, Giuliani and others assured him, we still have another play. Mike Pence.

16) Late December. Pence under pressure. Talks to Quayle, his lawyers. What can he do? Turns out, nothing. But plays out his deliberation. Several members of Congress wonder what they can do. Several Trump allies tell them to talk to someone developing a memo. John Eastman.

17) Dec. 30, 2020. An escalation. Talk becomes action. Sen. Hawley announces he will object. Other GOP senators sign on to object, movement to do the same in the House grows... That same day, "JANUARY SIXTH, SEE YOU IN DC!" Trump tweets.


18) Dec. 30, 2020. Bannon speaks privately with Trump by phone. "You've got to return to Washington and make a dramatic return today... You've got to call Pence off the fucking ski slopes and get him back here today. This is a crisis." "We're going to bury Biden on Jan. 6."

19) Early Jan.

Fever pitch.

Jan. 2-Eastman memo circulates

Jan. 3-Pence meets with Sen. parliamentarian. Clarifies he has no authority.

Jan. 4-Trump pressures Pence in Oval. Eastman there.

Jan. 5-Trump 1-on-1 with Pence in Oval.

Meanwhile, Willard war room takes charge...

20/end-ultimately, CBS hears special counsel is looking closely at key junctures in post-election period where Trump spoke about his intent to overturn the election and how he explained his plan to do so, with all pressure points explored. Investigating an alleged conspiracy.