Saturday, November 15, 2014

Philo Wins Cynopsis Media Award for Porsche Series on Entrepreneurs

5 Minutes With…Philo Broadcasting CEO Kevin Allodi

Porsche recently enlisted syndicator and cross-platform video producer Philo Broadcasting to create a video campaign to promote its catchphrase, “There is No Substitute.” The digital series features interviews with entrepreneurs from IndiegogoFlywheel and more, talking about their beliefs and principles. Cynopsis sat down with Philo’s CEO and Founder Kevin Allodi to discuss everything from the series’ creative process with Porsche to the trend of integrated brand video series.

How did this brand series come about?
Porsche approached us through their digital agency of record – OMG – looking for custom content ideas that raised awareness of their entire line of sports cars with one holistic concept. Working collaboratively with OMG as well as Porsche’s creative agency, called CK, we decided to remove the cars entirely from the equation, focusing instead on providing content their target consumers would find interesting and sharable.

It has become common for brands to jump into the digital video space (i.e. AT+T, Chipotle, Subway) – why do you think that is?
The short answer would be media fragmentation; as consumers, we’ve become really good at prioritizing our attention, focusing on what’s most important to us. Because advertising is on the low end of that spectrum, it’s become increasingly challenging to connect with consumers in a meaningful way through traditional ads, especially so in the digital realm. Brands are now recognizing that providing and integrating content with entertainment value into video is much more impactful than an advertisement –if it’s done well. The gold standard for this model is Red Bull; one could argue they’ve morphed from a sports drink company into a media company. Their content is excellent, authentic and of really high quality.

What’s the biggest challenge when trying to make videos that both appeal to an audience and still capture the brand without becoming a giant product placement?
Being authentic. It’s easy to fall into the “make the logo bigger” or “more product placement” trap. Having clients that understand they must first and foremost create compelling stories/series a consumer will choose to watch is extremely important.