Friday, April 05, 2013

An Evening with Howard Tullman

An Evening with Howard Tullman

Great Oaks is pleased to invite you to an evening of conversation and networking on April 18th.

The featured speaker, Howard Tullman, is a brilliant strategic thinker, visionary and digital Renaissance man of the highest order; we are excited to have him join us for what is sure to be an insightful and thought provoking evening.

Also, you will have an opportunity to network with the founders of many of Great Oaks' other portfolio companies. We are hoping to precipitate synergies across our family of companies; to this end, we will be organizing breakout sessions from 4pm - 5. As we move closer to the 18th we'll circulate a list of attendees so that you can let us know who you'd be most interested in meeting.

We will be hosting the event at the Great Oaks co-working space, located on the 5th floor of 122 West 26th Street, in the start-up rich Chelsea neighborhood; as mentioned, breakout sessions will start at four and general festivities will commence at five.  We are hopeful you can join us for what we are sure will be an interesting, fun and productive evening.  Please RSVP when you know you will be able to attend.

Who is Howard Tullman?

Described by Inc. Magazine as "the most accomplished, best connected entrepreneur you've never heard of."  Howard is a visionary, innovator and creative tour de force across an astounding array of digital and media technologies. He will be sharing his thoughts on how social media and technology will shape the future through hyper-personalization, know-before-you-go data capabilities,  constant connectivity, smart reach," gamification and other mega-trends.

Presently, Howard is the President and CEO of Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy, an accredited college in Chicago that offers programs in digital arts and entertainment technologies. Areas of study include film, recording arts, animation, gaming, interactive media and design.

Howard is also a General Managing Partner for Chicago High Tech Investors, an Adjunct Professor at Northwestern's Kellogg Graduate School of Management and a consultant and advisor to many of the largest technology companies in the world.